Nicholas The Slide
BattleForums Senior Member
This is a guide for a bowassasin (duh). A “*†denotes that the item listed is intended for ladder players
20-Venom (your main source of damage)
20-Burst Of Speed (for run/attack speed, will save you a lot of fervor jewels)
20- Mind Blast (To Stun enemy before in case they run/charge)
10- Fade (for those pesky Sorcs)
Armor- 160/60 Lacquered Plate (IAS of course), and/or Enigma archon*
Gloves- Trangs (25%psn damage! Replace these and I’ll cut you!)
Belt- Razortail/Verdungos (razor for piercing attack, Verdungo’s for life/DR)
Weapon 1- Widowmaker Ward Bow (gives +3-5 to guided arrow, this build is built around this weapon)
Weapon 2-CTA (nowadays it’s practically a necessity for dueling)
Shield 2- Lidless (to give bonus to BO/BC)
Boots- Shadow Dancers/ War Travs (if you can’t afford dancers)
Ring 1-C-grip/Manald*
Ring 2- BK Wedding Band
Amulet- Mara’s Kaleidoscope
Shadow GC’s
Life/resist GC’s
2x Raven Frost Rings (cold rests Gear)
2x Dwarf Star rings (fire resist Gear)
Hell Mouth War Gauntlets (fire resist Gear)
Thunder Gods Vigor War Belt (lightning resist gear)
Mermon’s Sprocket Wyrmhide boots (Cold Resist Gear)
2x Wisp Projector Rings (Lightning resist gear)
Strenth- 203 needed for lacquered plate, 103 if using only Enigma
Dexterity-200+ (Bows get added damage from dexterity)
Vitality-150-175 (you are not melee so you don’t need HUGE life)
Energy-Why does blizzard even keep this here? NO POINTS HERE
Trap- Use your lightning resist gear (t-gods/wisps) and Mind Blast (now referred to as MB) them, alternating between MB and Guided arrow. Enigma will be a good help here, just in case you need to move quickly.
WhirlWind- These guys will be annoying as they can use dragon flight and have a lot of poison damage (just like you!). Use Enigma and Stun them using MB, during their stun pepper them with guided arrows. No promises on these guys.
WhirlWind- These guys should be no problem, unless they use Enigma. Use your 160/60 (or Enigma if your ladder because that’s you main armor). And since you have a really good Run/walk Advantage just keep your distance and pepper them with arrows (guided of course). If they get too close for comfort, give them a little push with MB
Concentration- These guys are easy if you can keep your distance but annoyingly hard if you cant. Basically from a good Conc. Barbarian, 1-2 hits will kill you so, I suggest using MB/Guided again. You shouldn’t have to us Enigma here.
FOH- Hehehe, with your Lightning rests gear on you should have no problem with these guys, MB will be a big help here just because FOH can have the tendency to not die when you want them to. Use the MB, Guided alteration (MB, Guided, MB Guided…etc)
Zealot- These Guys should be a challenge because they usually have really good Attack Rating and tend to have quite a bit if Damage reduce and defense. Us the MB/Guided Method
Charger- A pure charger will probably be your worst enemy as they have awesome Arrack rating/Huge Damage and can close in on you faster then <odd example here>. You Will lose to these guys, but thankfully there Very few and far between.
Bow- Use your advantage, MB. Stun them and then pepper them. Use the MB/Guided alteration technique.
Javelin- If CS use light resist gear and fire away! Is jab, first laugh at them, and then use MB and Guided.
Bone- hard because they usually can teleport around and avoid your MB/Guided. Just try as hard as you can to get them in ONE MB, then use the MB/Guided Alteration technique.
Nova- Get them before they get you, not much more to be said as they can kill you in 2 hits.
Wind- Use Enigma and stay out of their hurricane at all costs. Put on Cold Resist Gear just in case you get into Hurricane.. Use MB/Guided Alteration technique
Melee-What’s a melee druid?
All- Use the corresponding resist gear for what kind of sorceress you are dueling. (fire resist for fire sorceress…etc) and use MB/Guided Alteration
THE END!!!!!!!
PLEASE put comments/criticizm i will appreiciate it! (as this is only my second guide)
This is a guide for a bowassasin (duh). A “*†denotes that the item listed is intended for ladder players
20-Venom (your main source of damage)
20-Burst Of Speed (for run/attack speed, will save you a lot of fervor jewels)
20- Mind Blast (To Stun enemy before in case they run/charge)
10- Fade (for those pesky Sorcs)
Armor- 160/60 Lacquered Plate (IAS of course), and/or Enigma archon*
Gloves- Trangs (25%psn damage! Replace these and I’ll cut you!)
Belt- Razortail/Verdungos (razor for piercing attack, Verdungo’s for life/DR)
Weapon 1- Widowmaker Ward Bow (gives +3-5 to guided arrow, this build is built around this weapon)
Weapon 2-CTA (nowadays it’s practically a necessity for dueling)
Shield 2- Lidless (to give bonus to BO/BC)
Boots- Shadow Dancers/ War Travs (if you can’t afford dancers)
Ring 1-C-grip/Manald*
Ring 2- BK Wedding Band
Amulet- Mara’s Kaleidoscope
Shadow GC’s
Life/resist GC’s
2x Raven Frost Rings (cold rests Gear)
2x Dwarf Star rings (fire resist Gear)
Hell Mouth War Gauntlets (fire resist Gear)
Thunder Gods Vigor War Belt (lightning resist gear)
Mermon’s Sprocket Wyrmhide boots (Cold Resist Gear)
2x Wisp Projector Rings (Lightning resist gear)
Strenth- 203 needed for lacquered plate, 103 if using only Enigma
Dexterity-200+ (Bows get added damage from dexterity)
Vitality-150-175 (you are not melee so you don’t need HUGE life)
Energy-Why does blizzard even keep this here? NO POINTS HERE
Trap- Use your lightning resist gear (t-gods/wisps) and Mind Blast (now referred to as MB) them, alternating between MB and Guided arrow. Enigma will be a good help here, just in case you need to move quickly.
WhirlWind- These guys will be annoying as they can use dragon flight and have a lot of poison damage (just like you!). Use Enigma and Stun them using MB, during their stun pepper them with guided arrows. No promises on these guys.
WhirlWind- These guys should be no problem, unless they use Enigma. Use your 160/60 (or Enigma if your ladder because that’s you main armor). And since you have a really good Run/walk Advantage just keep your distance and pepper them with arrows (guided of course). If they get too close for comfort, give them a little push with MB
Concentration- These guys are easy if you can keep your distance but annoyingly hard if you cant. Basically from a good Conc. Barbarian, 1-2 hits will kill you so, I suggest using MB/Guided again. You shouldn’t have to us Enigma here.
FOH- Hehehe, with your Lightning rests gear on you should have no problem with these guys, MB will be a big help here just because FOH can have the tendency to not die when you want them to. Use the MB, Guided alteration (MB, Guided, MB Guided…etc)
Zealot- These Guys should be a challenge because they usually have really good Attack Rating and tend to have quite a bit if Damage reduce and defense. Us the MB/Guided Method
Charger- A pure charger will probably be your worst enemy as they have awesome Arrack rating/Huge Damage and can close in on you faster then <odd example here>. You Will lose to these guys, but thankfully there Very few and far between.
Bow- Use your advantage, MB. Stun them and then pepper them. Use the MB/Guided alteration technique.
Javelin- If CS use light resist gear and fire away! Is jab, first laugh at them, and then use MB and Guided.
Bone- hard because they usually can teleport around and avoid your MB/Guided. Just try as hard as you can to get them in ONE MB, then use the MB/Guided Alteration technique.
Nova- Get them before they get you, not much more to be said as they can kill you in 2 hits.
Wind- Use Enigma and stay out of their hurricane at all costs. Put on Cold Resist Gear just in case you get into Hurricane.. Use MB/Guided Alteration technique
Melee-What’s a melee druid?
All- Use the corresponding resist gear for what kind of sorceress you are dueling. (fire resist for fire sorceress…etc) and use MB/Guided Alteration
THE END!!!!!!!
PLEASE put comments/criticizm i will appreiciate it! (as this is only my second guide)