PVP Bliz sorc Guide V.2!


BattleForums Senior Member
May 26, 2003
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t.A.T.u Land!
Bliz sorcs can be very hard to put together and the items may cost much, but its worth it.

What makes a good bliz sorc? 50% skill 50% items. And trust me, items make a difference.

Armor: Blizzard Ormus

Adds 2k to blizzard damage, faster cast rate and mana regeneration, its the best armor for a pvp bliz sorc.

Weapon: Deaths Fathom

Now that ladder has ended anyone can have a deaths fathom. Even though it does have low faster cast rate, the damage makes up for it.

Sheild: Sanctuary

Sanctuary I think is best for the resists and the faster hit recovery. With items such as Blizzard Ormus and Deaths Fathom, they do not give resists to all, so the 50-70 resists on sanctuary helps out alot. Storm on a Bliz sorc is way to much strength. Its useless really.

Helmet: Night Wings Veil

Night wings Veil has the 2 to all skills, and the % cold increased damage, as well as the Dex. Very useful.

You can pretty much decide what boots you want to use yourself. Anything from water walks to war travelers or anything. For my sorc, I used "Bitter Spurs" a rare expensive dupe on Europe Realm.

The resists on them help out alot, as well as the dex and faster r/w.

For rings, I used 2 sojs of course. The skill and mana are needed.

For gloves, I used Mage fist for the FCR and the mana regeneration. You can use Frost Burn gloves but they increase mana without the fcr or regeneration.

For the amulet, I use Maras Amu for the 30 resists 2 to skill and 5 to all stats, which is very helpful. Crafted FCR amu's are good also, if you want to hit the breaking point. If you are looking for one, look for one with 2 to sorc skills, 20 fcr and mana regeneration, those are the best.

Alot of people use the "Snow Clash" belt for their bliz sorc, which I don't understand. Arachnids is way better, with the faster cast rate and the mana regeneration and the 1 to all skills. The only good thing Snow clash Offers good is 2 to bliz.

On weapon Switch, you should use Call to arms runeword and Lidless, for the bo and battle command.


Of course, use 10 cold skillers, if you can get ones with 3x life. But if not, plain is fine. Anni Charm and 9*20 to life vita small charms.


BattleForums Senior Member
May 26, 2003
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t.A.T.u Land!
Stats and Skills
For a bliz sorc, many of the times the kills are one hit kills. For my sorc, I put more into Vita than energy, since most of the time I'm accurate and people die in one hit. I did okay with 700 mana (1.1k with bo) and rarely ran out. Here is what I did with stats:

Strength: Enough to Equipt items. For me it was 106.
Dex: None, I didn't need block. If you tele as much as I do you wont.
Vita: 306
Energy: 136

As for the skills, I maxed the Following:
Cold Mastery
Ice Blast
Ice bolt
Glacial Spike

Also, I put a skill in Teleport, Warmth, and Orb. I put one 1 point in orb and its level 22 doing 756 damage, which is useful while playing vs elemental druids or sorcs with merc. It kills the summons or the merc.

Here is a look at my skill Tree:

For a Bliz sorcs merc, you should Hire an act 1 fire arrow. If you want a strong merc, raise her from normal, so she will have more dex and resists. The one in the picture was raised from Hell difficulty (old pic).

Her max damage is 3332. Raise her from normal and it will go up to 3.6k, which will help you out much. You should equipt her with 160/60 IAS, WF 40/15 and A 120/45 ias helm. Botd bow is no good for a merc, the ias on it isn't really needed and it has low damage. Also the knockback on the merc helps ALOT. It knocks back your enemy and stunning them and you can cast bliz while they are stunned and of course they're gone.

How To Duel
Basically, you need to tele around the person so they cannot namelock you or come close, cast bliz in their way and You'll be fine.

Amazon[bow]: Tele around them in a circle and cast bliz on them. Their guided arrows will follow you, so if you do get hit a couple of times tele away so the guideds arent following you anymore. You can also use the skill Ice Blast and tele right up to them and cast many ice blasts until they die. Your Merc stuns the amas and many bowazons have bad resists, so your merc's fire arrow could kill them.

Amazon[java]: Basically, let them chase you and cast bliz in their way. You can also do the same strategy with the ice blast, just be at a safe distance.

Paladin[Charge/Smite]: Since charge is bugged, you will not quite know where the pala is going to appear at. You can either tele around and let them chase you and cast bliz behind you, or cast bliz on yourself and let them come to you.

Paladin[FOH]: Tele at a safe distance so they can't foh you and the conviction aura cant reach you. Cast bliz at them and tele away.

Barb[WW]: Basically, make sure you stay away from them. Cast bliz in their way so they run into it. If they are tele barbs, stay still for like 4 seconds, let them tele at u, cast bliz in your spot and tele away.

Sorc[Any]: Tele around and let the merc's knockback do the work. Once the sorc is stunned, cast bliz and they're dead. Merc is very helpful vs another sorc.

Assassin[Trap]: Tele around in a circle, so their traps miss. Cast bliz at them and make sure not to get mind blasted.

Assassin[WW]: Basically treat them the same as WW barbs. When they use the Dragon flight kick, cast bliz where you were standing. If that fails, use ice blast.

Druid[Elemental]: Once again, the merc is very helpful. My merc has saved my life vs many ele druids. Her knock back stuns them and you cast bliz like as if hes a sorc. One good bliz can get through his armor, then cast another and hes gone. Also, use ice blast if you can. Eliminate his summons so they do not stun you. Use Orb to get rid of his summons.

Druid[Melee]: Let him chase you and let Merc knock him back and cast bliz.

Also, use the corners of your screen to Cast bliz. You can reach a further distance by that than just casting bliz right infront of you. Heres what I mean.

(Ignore the pretty red writing on the screen)

See how the mouse has the palas name (My ex, pft) in the corner?
(Once again ignore that pretty writing);)

I hope your "journey" to make a bliz sorc is a great one. Remember, your first one may not be the best and your items may not be the best but don't give up! I started out with a 16% Bliz ormus and a 14% nightwings, and was a sucky sorc. Now everyone on Europe knows "tATu_LeNa" ;) Have fun and I hope I helped!



Drives an Evo IX ;)
Dec 9, 2002
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Try to work on playing the character as opposed to posting screenshots.


BattleForums Senior Member
May 26, 2003
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t.A.T.u Land!
Was posting the how to duel section as you were writing your lovely remarks.


Battle God
Jul 16, 2004
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I like the guide, a lot. It may not be all tricked out, but It's good enough for me to follow. Of course, Heather is rich and I'm poor, so if I ever wanted to make this, I would need to bug my friends who still play for items and whatnot to actually get the high priced stuff on your Guide, Heather. Nonetheless, the guide's helped me. I might put it on Favorites incase I ever go back to playing D2. ;)


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Dec 5, 2002
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A couple things...

First, keep energy at base, you will have plenty of mana from items

Next, you might want to consider using gloves

Next, you only 60 FCR, the breakpoint is 65, which makes the FCR on arachnids useless, and the mana regeneration is useless. If you want to hit the next breakpoint you could get magefist, but you'd sack all the mana from frosties. Blizz isnt effected by FCR anyway, you'll only be speeding up you're glacier spike and tele.

You might want to consider putting a point into tele, static, and warmth too (im sure you just left them out accidently..)

SS is also better than Sanctuary (most of the time)

BTW, your merc has too much IAS

Another thing is there is not muchs skill in playing a blizz sorc...its all about items

Last thing is I hate builds that aren't legit


Sep 1, 2003
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Las Vegas, NV
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damn straight.... those items were so damn perfect it scared me lol. and i still like act 2 cold mercs better....even though when you face another teleing caster it wont help.
But w/e...bigons.good for you if u actually do have those items.
another note.....someone sticky my smiter build lol.


BattleForums Senior Member
May 26, 2003
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t.A.T.u Land!
Guru said:
A couple things...

First, keep energy at base, you will have plenty of mana from items

Next, you might want to consider using gloves

Next, you only 60 FCR, the breakpoint is 65, which makes the FCR on arachnids useless, and the mana regeneration is useless. If you want to hit the next breakpoint you could get magefist, but you'd sack all the mana from frosties. Blizz isnt effected by FCR anyway, you'll only be speeding up you're glacier spike and tele.

You might want to consider putting a point into tele, static, and warmth too (im sure you just left them out accidently..)

SS is also better than Sanctuary (most of the time)

BTW, your merc has too much IAS

Another thing is there is not muchs skill in playing a blizz sorc...its all about items

Last thing is I hate builds that aren't legit
Yeah, forgot about gloves. I'll edit it.

Anyway, Sanctuary is better than storm by far. 156 strength on a sorc is .09 days. Its totally useless.

You do need the FCR to tele around, specially if you don't have block. 600 mana with bo is crap and you will run out very quickly. I have 80 fcr with those items, which is good enough.

And merc does need ias. But when you put 160/60 max or 120/45 max, its the max bug, which brings her damage down. So to get the most damage you would use IAS.

I've played Bliz sorc long enough and tried different things. I know what I'm talking about.


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Dec 5, 2002
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t.a.t.u97 said:
Yeah, forgot about gloves. I'll edit it.

Anyway, Sanctuary is better than storm by far. 156 strength on a sorc is .09 days. Its totally useless.

You do need the FCR to tele around, specially if you don't have block. 600 mana with bo is crap and you will run out very quickly. I have 80 fcr with those items, which is good enough.

And merc does need ias. But when you put 160/60 max or 120/45 max, its the max bug, which brings her damage down. So to get the most damage you would use IAS.

I've played Bliz sorc long enough and tried different things. I know what I'm talking about.
Then put a hell rune in the SS. Unless you are dueling someone who does elemental damage, you'll get farther with SS. But whatever floats your boat.

What I would do is get a good FCR ring (I had one with 10 fcr/17 str/4 dex/52 mana?/and some resists) and scrap an soj and the magefist. You'll hit the 65 FCR breakpoint and you can then use frosties. Mana is no longer an issue now. NRG is a waste. You wasted 136 points, gg.

As far as the merc go, IAS is good, but you have too much. You'd get maximum efficiency if you were to ohm that windforce.

BTW, for vita, you should put 'rest', not a certain number


Drives an Evo IX ;)
Dec 9, 2002
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Yes, Guru is right about the FCR. If the BP's are at 30 and 65%, and you have 60%, either drop the extra FCR and go for more mana, or get that 5% More FCR. I suggest you try a godly caster amulet with +2 Sorc, 20% FCR, Resists, and mana. That > Maras, x30000.

What about Necro's?

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