Originally posted by amrtin77
tell me how it physically works in our natural world. give me a reason for the objects to just move. are they tapping into a magnetic or gravitational field with your mind? or maybe your own electrical, magnetic field? give me the physics of it.
Psychic Powers is known as ESP (
Some examples of ESP is seeing things far away, predicting the future, remembering an old friend, then the friend calls. Some scientists believe that ESP is a normal thing. Just people see it as a coincidence.
The major types of ESP
Telepathy - the ability to read another person's thoughts
Clairvoyance - the ability to "see" events or objects happening somewhere else
Precognition - the ability to see the future
Retrocognition - the ability to see into the distant past
Mediumship - the ability to channel dead spirits
Psychometry - the ability to read information about a person or place by touching a physical object
Telekinesis - the abilty to altering the physical world with mind power alone.
Most people believe people can only use "psychic powers" when they are under extreme conditions, and then use it without thinking about it. Such as when a car is falling on someone, and the victim lifts up the car with their mind and throws it away without thinking about it, and not in control. Such as when you touch the hot stove, your hand jerks away by itself.
There are many ideas on how ESP works. One theory says that, like our ordinary senses, ESP is energy moving from one point to another point. Typically, proponents of this theory say ESP energy takes the form of electromagnetic waves -- just like light, radio and X-ray energy -- that we haven't been able to detect scientifically.
However, the most popular theory today is that ESP is a result of something beyond the known physical world. For example, many people view it as "spillover" from another reality. According to this theory, in addition to the physical universe we are consciously aware of, we all exist in another dimension that has completely different governing laws. Time and space work very differently in the other reality, allowing us to know about other people's thoughts, distant events or things that haven't happened yet in the physical reality. Normally, our awareness of this plane of existence is completely unconscious, but every once in a while, the conscious mind picks up on this information.
Actual Cases of ESP
Probably most of you have heard about the book about a boat called the Titan (1898, Morgan Robertson). The author said the idea of it came to him in sort of a trance. The book was about a ship that sunk (it hit a iceburg), and many people died because there were not enough lifeboats. Fourteen years later, the Titanic, similar in size and structure to the fictional ship, did exactly this, at the same time of year, under the same conditions.
Karl Zener created the Zener cards (a deck of 25 cards with 5 designs on them). He would ask people to try and guess the design. An average person would get about 5/25 correct. Anything above that would demonstrate ESP. There have been people who have gotten almost 18/25 correct!