Probs with installing Shopbot



Hi there!

I´ve some problems in installing your shopbot v049 for diablo2.

I´m using hackit0.581 from, because yours hackits seems not to have the loader.exe.

Hackit starts, but i get the command "unable to load module shopbot".
I read in your faqs that i have to start bind before or to disable it. Well, i dont have the bind.d2h and also could not disable it wether in the hackit.ini nor in the shopbot.ini.
Perhaps it is also important for you to know, that i have the german version on which the shopbots from dont work. I hope yours do.

It would be nice if you could answer me, i have no more idea what to do.

Thanks for helping


It would be nice, if anyone could answer me, wether i like the answer or not!!!

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