I downloaded and imported .wav files into my map of sound effects such as a shotgun, sniper rifle, etc. to use as sounds in place of the normal unit attack sounds. It worked great testing it. I made a trigger kind of like this: Event-(Unit is attacked) Condition-(unit type of (attacking unit)) equal to (sniper) Action-(Play Music Theme (war3imported\snipergun.wav)) or whatever the file name of the sound is. This worked but the sounds could be heard across the entire map by all players. I noticed the only way to set a cutoff distance was for sound type variables...so i made a sound variable and as a map initialization i played the .wav file and did Set Variable (FX_Sniper) = last played sound. I replaced the Play Music Theme action in the trigger written above with Play sound (FX_Sniper) but it doesnt work..i tried everything. Anyone know how to get this to work?