No one's entering the fucking game anymore, I'm tired of just entering and seeing NO ONE from my so called 'allies/buddies' online in Europe, US East, Garena, everywhere. Day by day, hour by hour, NO ONE. Come on, I was also busy working 8 hrs/day and in the evening could always find 1-2 hours to spare. If you want to do it, you find time for it, the rest is BULLSHIT LAZINESS. Screw you!
Is there a place where I can find active people who actually play this game solo and 2v2 and I can be like - 'DO u wanna becUm my AT partner and Play with Me 2v2 AT until high levels and both of us ladder Solo and even train vs each other????????? A place for that?????' BNet is a really broad definition.
I just played Garena and if your partner is not online it SUX! Playing with random idiots SUX> Thus, Random team SUX. Fucking FAGS playing RT.