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Huckabee: The Biggest Big-Government ConservativeIf you liked George W. Bush's brand of big-spending, big-government conservatism, you'll love Mike Huckabee.
During his two-term tenure, spending increased by more than 65 percent — at three times the rate of inflation.
The number of government workers increased by 20 percent, and the state's debt services increased by nearly $1 billion
the average Arkansan's tax burden increased 47 percent...including increases in the state's gas, sales, income, and cigarette taxes. He raised taxes on everything from groceries to nursing home beds
Because he believes that "art and music are as important as math and science" in public schools, he wants these programs funded — and thus, directed and administered — federally.
he now calls for a national smoking ban
Huckabee has called for increased federal spending on a variety of programs from infrastructure to health care. He wants more energy subsidies, including, naturally, more subsidies for ethanol. In fact, he supports increased agricultural subsidies generally.
He rails against high corporate profits and attacks free trade agreements. As governor, he raised the minimum wage and increased business regulation. He says it is "a biblical duty" to pass more regulation to fight global warming.
Imagine an even bigger government, more religious fanatic, Bush. And this guy's starting to lead in the early states too...