I know it's probably fake, but if it isn't, my only comment is that this world is going to hell.
No, i'm not even remotely religious, infact i'm atheist, but i believe that we should respect the laws and rules nature and biology setup for us.
Just looking at that made me sick, if it's real, why the hell would anyone waste money and time on this monstrosity? Yes, i am an accute homophobe, and i'm not ashamed or afraid to declare it outloud, and i'm very intollerant of trannys , hermaphros and whatever the f*** these gender bending freaks call themselves. The reason? it's not natural and evolution was not meant for this.
The problem with democracy is that free rights and freedoms allow people to become idiots and assholes like we're seeing here. We need another Hitler, only this time a non-racist one seeing as how racism is wrong.