Um i was just wondering what are the new bot bilds goanna be?I have some info u mite want here are some sorc biulds i hv made
nova sorc=so suky suk suk suk
hydra sorc=so lil dam its unbelievable
meteroro,orrb sorc=havnt tryed her in hell yet but she handles well in nm but with a a good shield eg if she had ss she could handle hell if she stood right by him so he only melee attacked her.
Those are my builds so far and i am seriously considering a ts,orb sorc becuase i think they will still own if they have good gear and if my meteror,orb sorc gets del 4 bot or mh i will prob make ts,orb so yea um also u other guys out there what builds do u have that handle well in hell also say ur gear cuase now adays gear makes a char good
nova sorc=so suky suk suk suk
hydra sorc=so lil dam its unbelievable
meteroro,orrb sorc=havnt tryed her in hell yet but she handles well in nm but with a a good shield eg if she had ss she could handle hell if she stood right by him so he only melee attacked her.
Those are my builds so far and i am seriously considering a ts,orb sorc becuase i think they will still own if they have good gear and if my meteror,orb sorc gets del 4 bot or mh i will prob make ts,orb so yea um also u other guys out there what builds do u have that handle well in hell also say ur gear cuase now adays gear makes a char good