I myself am getting tired of posts years old being bumped up and people replying to them. I hope the mods will consider this and enforce it stronger.
Straight from the rules:
Old Topics (Threads)
Topics that are over a week old are considered to be dead. Please do not post in them. This is considered to be "Thread Bumping" and we will lock any threads which are bumped to the top for no good reason. The only acception would be if your reply was on topic to the post and added to the discussion. Other than that, please leave old threads
Straight from the rules:
Old Topics (Threads)
Topics that are over a week old are considered to be dead. Please do not post in them. This is considered to be "Thread Bumping" and we will lock any threads which are bumped to the top for no good reason. The only acception would be if your reply was on topic to the post and added to the discussion. Other than that, please leave old threads