Port or Remake?

Emperor Pan I

Respected Member
Aug 8, 2002
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When a company annonces that after 15 years they are bringing back an old game (this is mainly nintendo and Sega), it is either a port or a remake.

What do you prefer to play? The "New Super Mario Bros." "Metroid Zero Mission" Style game, or the Nes classic series of games. Is a direct port better or worse than a game that has been fundamentaly offered. I sit in the middle, becuase while I enjoy said remakes, and a couple others, I also hate stupid alterations, and while I like certain ports of games, they don't always stand up to the new generation.

Like alot of my problems with the NES is the two button configeration which limits gameplay. The SNES generation had a perfect number of buttons, but NES games generaly are not as fun with limited options. While a NES remake is able to make use of the technology.

When you look at Resident Evil. The Gamecube got a remake, with the same game, but like 70% differnet layout, upgraded graphics/story etc. The DS however got a port of the original RE, and the difference is huge. Despite hardware difference, the games are fundamentaly different at the core. Which is better? They both have strengths, but the GC version has alot more too it.

So have at it. This is a forum, post your oppinion on the matter.


Retired Staff
May 30, 2003
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Humble, Texas
personally ive always been a fan of "its a remake but it containst he classic as an unlockable"


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