Poor Nintendo


BattleForums Senior Member
Aug 27, 2003
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one of the many best, long lasting, console holders ever known to gamers around. They have had many great titles and are quite well-known, even by those who are not video game savvy. So...what happened? How many times have they remade the hand-held GameBoy? And Revamped Mario and his brother through countless advantures? Now it seems they (?Nintendo) have become history.
So I ask again, what happened?

Nintendo doesn't seem to be an outgoing company anymore. Is it because now-a-days anyone with a little money can make a video game company, produce and then sell it? Yes.

So what can Nintendo do to be worn on T-Shirts again?


Aug 11, 2004
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Nintendo is in no trouble whatsoever... in fact, in their 100 years of buisiness they have never posted a negative profit, and this is annualy. Sony and Microsoft both manufactor tons of things besides games, and somehow nintendo manages to make more money. Crazy...

Everyone thinks just because GCN is in 3rd place (out of 3) that they are doing bad and are going to go under... far from the truth.

♥The Shadow♥

Emperor Pan I

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Aug 8, 2002
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Nintendo has sold 150 million gameboys.

currently they have sold close to 4 million DS in 4 months. Nintendo is unveiling the Nintendo Revolution at E3 and they say it will have much more third party support.

And I would like to add during the begining, Nintendo had agreements for third partys that they could only make for nintendo, (which was later found illegal)


BattleForums Senior Member
Aug 27, 2003
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coRtALoS said:
Actually they just never really believed in buying many games from third-party manufacturers. Hence the reason N64 only had one good hit (GoldenEye), and completely flopped. Aside from the obvious point that they also released another cartridge system when Sony released the first PlayStation.
That is true, they don't have 3rd-party manufacturers. I really thought when N64 was coming out it was going to totally revolutionize the gaming industry. It seems though that CDs stood the test of time. Even though 64 bits was impressive (at the time) for cartridges. Cartridges load faster than CDs anyway, but now we see what CDs CAN do that cartridges can't.

Shadow1psc2k said:
Nintendo is in no trouble whatsoever... in fact, in their 100 years of buisiness they have never posted a negative profit, and this is annualy. Sony and Microsoft both manufactor tons of things besides games, and somehow nintendo manages to make more money. Crazy...

Everyone thinks just because GCN is in 3rd place (out of 3) that they are doing bad and are going to go under... far from the truth.

♥The Shadow♥
I'm not being an ass, but I would like to see that Nintendo has never posted a negative profit. That really is interesting. Besides, what do you mean the Sony and Microsoft make, "more money"? More money than what, and in what situation? The video games?

Pan said:
Nintendo has sold 150 million gameboys.

currently they have sold close to 4 million DS in 4 months. Nintendo is unveiling the Nintendo Revolution at E3 and they say it will have much more third party support.

And I would like to add during the begining, Nintendo had agreements for third partys that they could only make for nintendo, (which was later found illegal)
Okay, so Nintendo's life blood is still strong. But what happened to Sega? Everyone loves that blue hedgehog, Sonic. And that 2 tailed fox, Tails. Didn't Microsoft buy them out or something. I've only heard a little about it. Sega, it seems to go ALL down hill after that Saturn console. Man, I can remember the good old days back @ Toys 'R Us in Seattle. (Lynnwood bussiness district) Anyway, Sega was the leading company it seemed. They came out with more crap then ever.
Now what? Sega is gone?

Emperor Pan I

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Aug 8, 2002
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MrBret said:
Okay, so Nintendo's life blood is still strong. But what happened to Sega? Everyone loves that blue hedgehog, Sonic. And that 2 tailed fox, Tails. Didn't Microsoft buy them out or something. I've only heard a little about it. Sega, it seems to go ALL down hill after that Saturn console. Man, I can remember the good old days back @ Toys 'R Us in Seattle. (Lynnwood bussiness district) Anyway, Sega was the leading company it seemed. They came out with more crap then ever.
Now what? Sega is gone?
Sega's first system came out in 1986 (Sega Master system) somewhere near that, and it was mediocre at best. Only place it Did well was Brazil. Sega's Best System was the Gensis, released in 1989, and by 1993 Sega had taken 60% of the gaming market away from Nintendo which in previosu years had about 90% of the market.

However sega by 1994 began to lose that, and when Sega of America started a seperate project then Sega of Japan there is quite possibly one of the worst things to happen. Basicly the 32x was a 32 bit attachment for Genisis made by Sega of america, and Sega CD was a CD attachment made by the Japanese company. Both pretty much failed, though the 32x had demands in the millions it was enver supplied and discontinued quickly.
Saturn added to Sega's humiliation because of poor third party support. It was technicaly superior to both the Playstation, and the N64, it however was incredibly difficult to make games for and third parties instead went to other companies. Saturn had two processors and most companies never recieved development kits and it was really pathetic on Sega's part. They also never had a true Sonic game on the system.

Teh sega dreamcast was believe it or not Sega's best selling console EVER, in the 2 years it was around. What the **** happened to sega? They weren't bought out by Microsoft they declared they were discontinueing the Dreamcast, and became a software company. Dreamcast had been overshadowed by the Playstation 2's release, and Sega decided to not take chances I guess.

Sega has never been really good in the video game market, they were highest in 91-93 but quickly dropped and was kept down. Nintendo since 1985 when the Nintendo Entertainment System was released has remaind the most successful video game company ever. Nintendo pretty much put Atari out of hardware development, Snes dismantled both the NeoGeo, Turbografx-16 and 3DO before 3DO declared bankruptsy. Gameboy has held 100% of the handheld video game market from 1989 to 2004 beating out Neogeo pocket, Sega gamegear, Atari Lynx and other such handhelds superior to it.


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
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North Carolina, USA
Originally posted by Mr.Bret

I'm not being an ass, but I would like to see that Nintendo has never posted a negative profit. That really is interesting. Besides, what do you mean the Sony and Microsoft make, "more money"? More money than what, and in what situation? The video games?
:rolleyes: He was saying that Nintendo makes more profit than Sony or Microsoft in the gaming industry. This, believe it or not, is true.

Also, I believe world-wide totals put the NGC at #2.

Only a fanboy/girl would say that the N64 only had one hit :rolleyes: It's an arrogant remark, too. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time easily stands out as a much bigger hit than Golden Eye. I could go on with hits *cough*Mario 64*cough, but I'd give a rather long list...

Emperor Pan I

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Aug 8, 2002
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Gamecube did bad in the states, but guess what sony/microsoft American fanboys There are other countries outside your shallow little domain. Nintendo Gamecube actualy set sales records when it was released in Europe (oddly enough those records were broken last march by the Nintendo DS) and the GC did surprisingly well in Japan where Microsoft's Xbox can no longer be found.


BattleForums Senior Member
Aug 27, 2003
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Pan said:
Saturn added to Sega's humiliation because of poor third party support. It was technicaly superior to both the Playstation, and the N64, it however was incredibly difficult to make games for and third parties instead went to other companies. Saturn had two processors and most companies never recieved development kits and it was really pathetic on Sega's part. They also never had a true Sonic game on the system.
How did it add humiliation to Sega because of poor 3rd party support? No one made games for it? Plus, how WAS it incredibly difficult to make games for? Was it because it used superior graphics?

Pan said:
...Snes dismantled both the NeoGeo, Turbografx-16 and 3DO before 3DO declared bankruptsy..
3DO was crap. I've only heard of it twice, and this was the 2nd. Wasn't that the system that had that Lizzard game? Gexo or something?


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
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North Carolina, USA
Actually, the NGC hasn't done bad in the US ;) It's in third place, but it's only a marginal 3rd. It's outsold the X-Box and PS2, at points, but it's overall sales aren't quite as hot. Pan is right about X-Box and Japan. You'd be hard-pressed to find it.

I can't name a system, besides the current-gen, that hasn't had a Gex game... That lizard only made real airtime and money on Geico commercials.

It was hard to make Saturn games, primarily, for the same reason it's hard to make games for the PSP -- proprietation. It was a format that Sega created, unique, for themselves. They also have the problem of, as Pan mentioned, mutiple drives (?). I can't recall his exact wording, but I do know that third-parties weren't all that fond of the Saturn. It rubbed salt on the wound that Nintendo really opened. I'd rather not explain that, either -_-;

Emperor Pan I

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Aug 8, 2002
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MrBret said:
How did it add humiliation to Sega because of poor 3rd party support? No one made games for it? Plus, how WAS it incredibly difficult to make games for? Was it because it used superior graphics?
I worded it wrong, but basicly Saturn was a huge failure, right after both Cd mega drive failed and the 32x failure. It was humiliating to get continualy beaten down because your products arn't selling. Saturns had little third party support really.

Saturns desigend was really ****ed. Basicly it had 2 CPUs and 6 processors. None of the third party developers could make games for it. Third party ended up basicly only using one CPU for games and writing games in Assembly language. It's full power could never be utilized, mainly because the CPUs used the same bus, so one would have to wait for the other to finish before beginign it's tasks.

Also RPG games were never relased in America, and by 1997 Sega dropped saturn and started working on the Dreamcast. Sega pretty much stopped giving it enough support even though it was doing better than teh playstation in Japan. Overall Sega really hasn't done much right in the world of gaming.

3DO was crap. I've only heard of it twice, and this was the 2nd. Wasn't that the system that had that Lizzard game? Gexo or something?
Gex has appeared on both the Playstation and N64. It was a good game none the less.
3DO was not crap, it was a good system technicaly, but it had poor support and a high price (like 700$ or something)


Forever Rain
Mar 9, 2004
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A road, with a house on it.
N64 had conker bad fur day moron. Highest rated game for that year(9.9). I am just waiting for RPGs. The only type I like. Sega flopped from dreamcast. It was highest of time. PS2 just crunched it. Acclaim whent out of b uisness. Sega still makes games.


BattleForums Member
Oct 9, 2003
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Glendale, California
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Not sure if this has been mentioned, but Nintendo has remained the most successful in this round of consoles. Popularity wise, definitely no, but profit wise, Nintendo remains on top. The reason is that everytime a PS2 or Xbox is sold, Microsoft and Sony lose money. However, the gamecube, even as it's 50 dollars cheaper still makes a profit for Nintendo everytime it is bought. I think that is amazing to note. If you don't believe me, read in the latest Time magazine where Gates publicly admits not seeing 1 dime of profit from the Xbox.

Emperor Pan I

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Aug 8, 2002
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yeah I know that microsoft has not made any profit off of xbox, but was unaware that sony follows that?

I also learend that the PSP is incredibly expensive to make ,and sony won't be making much money off that.


BattleForums Senior Member
Feb 19, 2003
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coRtALoS said:
Actually they just never really believed in buying many games from third-party manufacturers. Hence the reason N64 only had one good hit (GoldenEye), and completely flopped. Aside from the obvious point that they also released another cartridge system when Sony released the first PlayStation.
Zelda: OoT
Banjo Kazooie
Donkey Kong 64
Perfect Dark
Super Mario 64
and the lsit goes on and on..

Anything by Rare in the N64 days, in my oppinion is awesome, I loved Rare back then, but now they're Microsoft's bitch.

-Frank :cool:

Emperor Pan I

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Aug 8, 2002
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I wouldalso like to point out that Nintendo did beleive in third party, and had amazing third party support for Nes and Snes. N64 suffered from third party support because of three reasons. N64 was late to market, N64 used cartidges (expensive and hard to program for compared to CD) and Nintendo didn't treat third parties well in the last decade with alot of problesm for N64.

nintendo has been trying to round up the same support it used to have. But N64 was never short of good games.

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