I love the fact that people want to have power over the US, and those who don't want to bomb us, or rip us off, or talk sh8 about us. The truth is, countries shouldn't even be divided. That's why so many people hate each other. I like to eat doughnuts, popcorn, and smoke some marijuana while I watch people talk politics, it's a riot to watch them hammer away and get nowhere, they're like a bunch of ants, they work hard at their argument, (like an anthill) and someone could come by and kick the dirt or sand away. They really feel important when they talk with their coffee and cookies, don't they? Safe in their appartment kitchen, or cozy living room, discussing whether the wars in Vietnam or Iraq were justified, or how much liberals suck, or how much conservatives are idiots. God bless America, children, because we have that luxury to put are two useless cents in.