Policies Concerning Hacks

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Premium Member
Aug 6, 2002
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Middle of Nowhere
(¯`·._.·[**Hacking Policy**]·._.·´¯)

To: Everyone
From: BattleForum Staff
Date: 05/17/03

The staff members at battleforums are once again taking their rightful duty to point out a few points of interest to you. This has to do with the subject of hacking. Blizzard is aggressively fighting any form of hacking, dealing with their games. We have collected a few statements from their site. Browse through them in order to see, for yourself, how they stand.

Blizzard’s Stand on the Subject
What is a hack or a third party program?:
A third party program is any program not made and distributed by Blizzard Entertainment® that can be used to modify, hack, cheat, or alter a Blizzard Entertainment® game. These hacks may include, but are not limited to, programs that change the text color in the chat channels, programs that reveal the game maps and/or player positions, item alteration programs, and programs that cause other players to disconnect from the game servers.

What are the dangers of using hacks?:
They can send the program creator your CD-Key.
The hack creator could then use your CD-Key, thus keeping you from being able to get on the Battle.net servers.
This person could also break the Terms Of Use and cause your CD-Key to be muted or Banned.
They can send the program creator your Battle.net account name and password.
The hack creator would then have access to all your items and be able to delete your characters.
They can cause the user of the program to start dropping all of his/her items to the ground and then exit the game.
Thus allowing other users to pick up your items.
They can stop the game from working correctly, or make it very hard to connect to Battle.net.
They may contain Trojan horse viruses as well as back door programs that can grant hackers the ability to remove or manipulate data on your computer remotely and without your knowledge.
We have seen many programs that once they are run, will install a program that sends your Battle.net account name and password to a malicious person who can then access your account. In the case of Diablo II they can then take all your items and/or delete your characters. Common 3rd party programs that have had these types of viruses and/or programs are: map hacks, chat clients, chat bots, and non-Blizzard web sites that prompt you for your account and password.

We believe that if we attack cheating on multiple fronts we can prevent hackers from negatively affecting other player's games. This effort is presented in the best interest of all parties that are passionate, dedicated and enthusiastic about honest and genuine gaming. We hope you understand the importance of this message and will be willing to work together with us in a unified effort to promote the well being of our games and our online gaming community.

Can I create and/or distribute hacks and cheats for your games?
No. Blizzard Entertainment® does not support or condone the use or distribution of cheats and/or hacks for use with Blizzard Entertainment® games under any circumstance.

Please be advised that Blizzard Entertainment is hereby taking an aggressive, zero-tolerance stance on hacks and cheats committed against any games played on Battle.net. Hack and cheat programs provide an unfair advantage to their users, and they impair, devalue, and in some cases seek to ruin the gameplay experience of legitimate players.

The use of such programs is a violation of the Battle.net Terms of Use Agreement and/or our products End User License Agreements. This can result in but not limited to Battle.net account closures, muting or banning of Blizzard Entertainment CD-keys. We are now proactively tracking down all sites that host these programs. We would also like your help in this cause. If you have any information about Battle.net and/or Blizzard product hacks and cheats and the Internet sites that host them, please send this information to hacks@blizzard.com.

How do I report hacks?:
Many of you may know the identity of some of these hackers. We would urge you to work with us to eliminate cheating by not supporting people or websites that promote cheating and hacking. We also ask that you not link to such sites or interview cheaters/hackers on your site. Additionally, if you discover functioning hacks or sites with hacks, please notify us immediately at our hacks@Blizzard.com address.

BattleForum’s Closing
What does all this sum up to?

If found using hacks on battle.net it can result in but not limited to Battle.net account closures, muting or banning of Blizzard Entertainment CD-keys.

Unlike blizzard we do not look down upon hacks with such aggressiveness. We condone using hacks, we even promote it in some ways. In doing this though, battleforums must take certain precautions to safe guard its future.

Battleforums in no way takes responsibility for what you download, read, use, or even go to from our forums. Any content that exists on our pages, it is not ours, it’s the property of its respective owners. If you have concerns, please feel free to send a Private Message the staff of this forum. The staff at battleforums, will be pleased to take care of any problems you might have.

We ask that transactions of CD Keys be done in a private format. Emails, Personal Messages, or Instant Messangers. This is for your protection.

In closing we would like to thank you, for taking part in this thing we call our home.


The BattleForum Staff
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