Poetry Thread


Sep 5, 2002
Reaction score
Wichita, KS
Tonight I decided I wanted to share with you people some of my poetry that I have done while sitting and waiting for classes to begin. Everyone is welcomed to share their poetry or any poetry they have seen and liked. Oh, and I don't usually title my poems so you'll have to excuse the lack of titles. Here are a couple poems of mine. Please tell me what you think. Am I psycho, stupid, etc. So without further ado, here they are.

Consider if you will,
A flower on a hill.
Does it have concern for wordly cares?
It should, but no, its mind is forever bare.

Some would say that a sparrow is dumb,
And an on certain levels I agree with some
Who say they are stupid by our standards
Yet to other animals they are like bards.

You may not here them often sound,
But when they do they can be found
In many number swarming about
The farm or perhaps a corner of a house.

The Underworld can strike fear into many,
Especially those who have no need to heed Hell's fury.
It is this fear which helps in the end
Since it can scare the good to keep up their ways.

Heaven's fury now wages war
Against those at the fiery door,
Hoping to establish, once and for all,
A peace that will put even God in awe.

Now a question might run through your head,
What could all this of fury, war, and even dread
Possibly have to do with little old you,
And the answer is simply..... choose your side by performing good or evil deeds.


Sep 5, 2002
Reaction score
Wichita, KS
Alright here are a few more of my spur-of-the-moment poems. Each has a different size and they have different subjects. And I realize after reading some of them again that they are kinda strange and not thought out (probably because they are written when I am half asleep). I am not sure sometimes if you would call it poetry or not, but it certainly is some form of writing.

Truth maybe nice but lies can seem nicer
Knowing all can be more of a burden than a gift
If you were God you would surely know ths
Think of this- he knows many people must die
Sometimes death can help the survivors
Because the living will benefit from the past mistakes

The tides of war, pain, and suffering slowly fall
But what, one may ask, is next to come after all this trouble
No one can tell except for God himself and even he has difficulties
For man can at many times be random in their acts
This will not stop the Creator from fulfilling His will
Instead of that which man has for themselves

When you speak of science you speak of self
For science got you where you are today
This may not seem to apply sometimes
But how does one explain modern technology
Except perhaps by trial and error
Which is also part of it too alnog with a little luck
Perhaps all they needed was the thought of gaining magic
Because then they could control the world

In the future all will be revealed
And those who are true of heart shall find salvation
Dreams fill their heads with goals to obtain
Those who are truly wise will need no motivation
Except the thought of their just rewards
No one else may change their minds for them
for even though the body breaks
The mind forever remains sturdy
Don't try to change their gifted hearts
They deserve more than what you give
Please let them live their lives out full
And obtain the goals and dreams they seek
Let their golden rivers and green pastures come
Rewards are needed for those who are deserving
Surely in the next world this will be granted
Then in Heaven all those deserving shall be rewarded

The high Heavens and the burning Hells will battle
Neither side wants to yield to the will of the other
For they know that doing so would mean giving up
All they had worked to build and cherish so far
And this would also mean they would be destroyed
Especially if it was Heaven who surrendered
So this I say to you, support the Light or be destroyed
Once Heaven has fallen no one can protect Earth

I noticed after I typed these in that most of them have to do with spirtual stuff. I guess that's what I get though for writing when and where I do.


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