Okey humble people, my triggers looks like this:
Trigger number 1: "Bandit GoldGain"
Event: Time - Every 60 seconds of game time
Condition: None
Player - Add 20 to (Picked player) Current Gold
Player group - Pick every player in (All players) and do (Do nothing)
Trigger number 2: "Bandit Goldtrigger"
Event: None
Condition: None
Actions: If (All conditions are True) then do (Then actions) else do (Else actions)
If - conditions:
((Mathing unit) is Alive) Equal to True
(Unit-type of (Triggering unit) Equal to Bandit)
Then - Actions: Trigger - Turn on Bandit GoldGain <gen>
Else - Actions: Trigger - Turn off Bandit Goldgain <gen>
Thats it. I know this is not right, but I am not so good at triggering... yet.
I know how to create Variables but I dont know what I shall do with it. In fact, there is a lot of things I dont know.
Anyways, my goal with those triggers is to make a unit named "Bandit" on my map. For each Bandit a player controlls 20 Gold will be added to his treasury every 60 seconds. So if I have 10 Bandits I will recieve 200 Gold every minute. And all players are able to build Bandits, so the more Bandits you have the more Gold you get...
So all corrections are welcome, and please show the exact triggers.
Thanks for all help I've had so far!