Please Help....


Aug 1, 2004
Reaction score
On the edge of madness
Needed: I am in need of a sig and new avitar, that are consistent with each other
Maker: Anyone who offers
Colors: Anything dark, evil, and gloomy (red, light green, yellow, black, light blue, purple)or even black & white, grayscaled
Images: Anything from Diablo 2 pertaining to pallies,(fallen pallies) and the darker side of Diablo 2, maybe a hopeless battle image, could also be images from the game itself. Pally image a must.
Text: any style font that looks creepy or powerful, if possible XxSworn_EnemyxX somewhere on the bottom, in a colored outline.
size: within forum limits, oviously

Extras: Animated would be nice but not nessisary

Midevil corrupted Pally.

A drawing of a battle on dry, cracked parchment

Blackened, and/or blood covered armor, a ghostly body within, with
animated screaming faces , skulls as the background

Hammerdin in action, polished metal border, beveled& embossed, spikes at
the corners pointing to the middle of the sig and avitar

Animated Pally charging outward toward screen, flame background still

Blood red leather background (like a book cover) Pally and name
innerbeveled into the leather fabric

Pally standing in victory over slained playable characters

A Demon, or hero body being ripped apart with a weapon, revieling Pally
threw the cut

PM me if you want to make, and/or need me to give more detailed ideas. Thank you in advance


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