Please help


Feb 13, 2003
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ok, i'm probably going to sound like a complete idiot around all the good mapmakers on here, but that's ok...
I've been off and on Starcraft since about 2000, but I never really tried making maps until recently. But whenever I make a map with a computer, like just for me and couple friends to go against some computers for fun, I can never get the computer to do anything but mine while using UMS.
And I want to be able to use UMS so I can make a ground only game, or another random game. Could someone please help?


BattleForums Senior Member
Jan 19, 2005
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evlnightking said:
ok, i'm probably going to sound like a complete idiot around all the good mapmakers on here
Not at all, if you were an idiot then you wouldn't be asking, you'd just go on not knowing ;)

evlnightking said:
whenever I make a map with a computer, like just for me and couple friends to go against some computers for fun, I can never get the computer to do anything but mine while using UMS.
You have to have a location on the computer's starting building (nexus, hatchery, command center), and Run AI Script At Location, using the AI Script 'Expansion Zerg Campaign Insane' at that location. Use the one that doesn't say 'Expansion' in front of it if you're not going to play on BroodWar. Use one that says 'Terran' or 'Protoss' if you're using one of those races for the computer instead of 'Zerg'. Finally, if you don't want the computer difficulty to be 'Insane', pick a script that has an easier setting.

evlnightking said:
And I want to be able to use UMS so I can make a ground only game, or another random game.
I'm not sure what you mean. If you only want ground units available, go to Player < Settings. Click on the 'Units' tab, and uncheck 'Enable by default' for every air unit for every race. If that's not what you meant, just let me know and I'll help you further :)


BattleForums Senior Member
Jan 19, 2005
Reaction score
No problem :p If you run into any more problems, just ask.

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