Please help with questions


New Member
May 18, 2006
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;) -1. I wanted to know if there is any way to change the combat armor type (say wood to metal) using an item. Say you get a certain item like metal armor, and your armor type is wood, is there a way to change the armor type through a trigger by having the item.

-2. also, say you have an item called key to house in your inventory, how do you make it so if you select a unit with the mouse and you have a specific item in your inventory, how do you change the ownership of the selected unit to the owner of the unit that selected it, butonly if they have a specififc item in their inventory.

-3. and why doesnt the trigger for removing items from a marketplace trigger remove the item-type you set in the trigger in game?

Im trying to make it so if you have an item and you issue an order on a unit it changes the target of the order to you and removes the item.

Unit- a unit is issued an order targeting an object


If (all conditions are true) then do (then actions) else do (else actions)
(Issued order) Equal to (Order(Tall red house))
((Item carried by (Ordered unit) of type Key to Large House) is owned) Equal to true
Unit- change ownership of (targeted unit of issued order) to (owner of (Ordered unit)) and Change Color
Item- remove (item carried by (ordered unit) of type Key to Large House)
Else- do nothing

Why doesnt this work, How could this work? thanks

How do you make it so your hero can still level up using skill points when you add the ability through the add ability action? Enfos did it in their hero builder map.

Can anyone who doesnt have WEU play the maps made by it?

Also how do you change what it says on the enemies active effects where it says slow poison (unit is affected by slow poison) to say something else, i changed the buff and icon to something else but it still said slow poison because the original ability was slow poison.

I changed the icon of the buff and what it said and added it to the ability which was originally slow poison and if you look on the enemy you attack with the ability it still says slow poison instead of the the icon you changed and what you made it say,it still says slow poison, damaged by slow poison exetera.

I mean if you add a hero ability through the add ability to unit trigger it just shows level one of the ability already learned by the unit, it doesnt add it to where you learn the abilities after you level up and get a point to increase the skill it just adds it like a normal ability.

Im pretty sure the enfos hero builder is protected, most of their maps are, i havent been online in about 6 months i just got the internet back, so ill try to find enfos hero builder, and ill ask around online,

I went to blizzard tech help on but the guy wouldnt answer any of my questions i asked for about 5 minutes then he loggged off, i will try again and see if they help you with editor questions, but it would be a big help if anyone here knows.

I also need to know how to make a unit change its owner to the unit that selects it as long as you have a certain item in your inentory, x hero siege did it so if you double click a unit in the beginning it will change it to the player that double clicked it.

And also say you have an item and it has a certain amount of charges left, how do you make it so if you buy the same item and it comes with 5 charges you add the 5 charges to the item of the same type that you already have and get rid of the one you bought, say it has 3 charges, you buy the same item coming with 5 charges=one item now has 8 charges.


BattleForums Senior Member
Feb 20, 2005
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Use a Selection event. Unit - A unit selects a unit? (I think).


New Member
May 18, 2006
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There is no conditon, unit-unit type of selected unit


your whole family is made of meat
Nov 28, 2003
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Yes there is, it would be a boolean.


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