**** platinum aspect. GET RID OF IT.....Just get SCXE (StarCraft Extra Editor) IT DOES EVERYTHING!!!! On a more serious note Platinum Aspect did stop working after 1.10.
It's because every editor works with only certain versions of starc. When they patch it (in this patch for example) they patched hte starcraft.mpq file, they actually patched the game itself and changed something in the ai scripts. Thus making anything related to these scripts have to be relooked at and changed to work with the new scripting.
In english:
some patches stop programs from working, eitehr that or you upgraded to windows nt/xp
does te Xtra Editor allow you to overlap minerals and stuff? cuz that is y platinum aspect is the best. If Xtra editor can do that then tell me which version cuz i gotta get my hands on a working editor that overlaps minerals.
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