Hello friends, eager-beavers and eggplants 
I came to make some "commercial" for one of the major plugins that were produced for the hack frame "D2CH" (can be compared to D2HackIt and Talon's BNHackIt with a more user-friendly/developer-friendly environment). A program that has stayed quite "underground" to these days. Alot of clans are still using NTPK, so this plugin will be of special interest to them - as this new version now offers a *compatible* pk-logging feature to NTPK - but more to that futher down the post with some cool screenshots.
To start things off, I will quote an exerpt of the readme for PKDeluxe (intro):
You can download PKDeluxe here: http://www.gamemunchers.net/pkd_v20.zip
Important note: The pk-logging feature is compatible with the NTPK pk-logging feature. Basically, you can keep your custom NTPK pk-log and switch to PKD without any problems.
Have fun!
I came to make some "commercial" for one of the major plugins that were produced for the hack frame "D2CH" (can be compared to D2HackIt and Talon's BNHackIt with a more user-friendly/developer-friendly environment). A program that has stayed quite "underground" to these days. Alot of clans are still using NTPK, so this plugin will be of special interest to them - as this new version now offers a *compatible* pk-logging feature to NTPK - but more to that futher down the post with some cool screenshots.
To start things off, I will quote an exerpt of the readme for PKDeluxe (intro):
Here are two new screenshots of the new version:===
What is PKDeluxe?
PKD is a very handy tool that can become invaluable for many different Diablo II players. It is a tool for the regular player, a fun-dueller or hunters in hardcore. It incorperates the following features:
What features does PKDeluxe have?
PKD comes with a never made autoaiming functionality. Unlike other autoaim programs, PKD will autoaim your target on your client and on your server. It doesn't use any "hotkeys" and will automatically re-direct any attack to your target. You will see your player attack the target!
PKD also has a fully functioning chicken feature (mana, life - based on characters percentage values) that can take you to town, leave the game or protect you from intruders in hardcore (anti-hostile chicken), for example.
PKD also has a never made targeting system, that will make your life as pleasurable as possible. The target of your choice will have a different color on the automap, aswell as a small line drawn to the player (on the automap, aswell) to make it easier for you to track the target. It also comes with a location tracking-system that will memorize and constantly update the "last seen" location of all players in the game.
PKD also uses a new method of hostiling your target (TPPK command). It is probably the fastest TPPK program available!
It also offers many more features - just check out the commandlist. ;-)
How do I install PKDeluxe?
PKDeluxe v2.0 requires D2CH v5.2. Before attempting to install PKDeluxe you should make sure you have D2CH v4.0+ installed properly and are accustomed with its usage. You can find D2CH at http://www.gamemunchers.net -> Programs & Bots Download forum (if you can't find just ask!)
1) Move pkd.dll and pkd.ini into your D2CH folder (or Plugin, if you're using D2CH as a D2Loader Plugin)
2) Load pkd by typing "load pkd" into the console or ".load pkd" into the in-game chat!
3) You are now immidiatly ready to go!
What commands does PKDeluxe have?
Prefix all commands with .pkd (in-game chat) or pkd (console)
Command - Description
help - prints help
config - reload your config
tp - takes a tp to town
type - toggle autoaim type (see pkd.ini for details)
go - attempt to tppk target
next - select next target
prev - select previous target
button - toggle attack button
antipk - toggle anti-tppk (chicken on hostile)
chicken - prints chicken settings
chicken toggle - toggles chicken type
chicken - sets chicken to and
display - toggle targetlist display
lifepercent - toggle life percentage view for minimap
pklog - toggle pk-logging (see pkd.ini for details)
debug - toggle debug display
You can download PKDeluxe here: http://www.gamemunchers.net/pkd_v20.zip
Important note: The pk-logging feature is compatible with the NTPK pk-logging feature. Basically, you can keep your custom NTPK pk-log and switch to PKD without any problems.
Have fun!