Piracy! argh avast yo ho and a bottle of rum!


Jan 23, 2003
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Yes this is a pirate thread in arcane sanctuary. I want to open up more topics for us to debate instead of OMG lIEK I Hate GOd and bUsh/KeRRy!! TEY nEubs threads.

piracy...there is some and little to say about it, yet it seems that it has had such an influence on our society now centuries ago. There are novels(the charles dickens one, maybe it has an inner meaning to it but i didnt see it, it would be fun to see if there is though...SPINOFF THREAD!!!!) there are movies, plays, and even disneyland is associated with pirates! yet, what we precieve as pirates as isnt what they were exactly. Pirates were...an odd kind of people. The gangs of the sea as some would say, pirates supposedly drank rum a lot(majority of pirates in the atlantic and gulf of mexico were probably spanish so i wouldnt dobt it ^_^) and raped and pillaged merchant ships and had their occasional run in with a navy ship or two. But what were pirates really? (pirates durring the age of sail) and how did they live their lives?

from what history channel like places have said is that pirates were the gangs of the sea and were poor theives. THeives that when they did get a haul would spend it all at once practically.
Feb 6, 2004
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Pirates are mostly everywhere, from burning cds to downloading without paying. Piracy isnt limited to your typical gangsta of the past.

Pirates were mostly just thieves who had a lot of rules. They were for people who were looking for some cash since you know how back in the day poverty was everywhere when feudalism was about. Pirates were mostly cowardly and would never ever stay and fight, they looted in groups and they always were united under a captain.

Of course not all pirates were bad,(pending on the cause) there were some pirates sailed for the queen of england and were looted and stole off spanish ships for England.

pirates have a big influence on life because its what appeals to the public. anything that can appeal and add plot to the story, people will definately make a story about them. Look at Pirates of the Carribean, great movie with ghosts and such. It sounds gay at first, but when you think about it, it at the same times sounds badass o_O

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