heh .. It's a bot!
Well.. What's a bot? Automated Life.
Pindle? LVL 98 boss that can drop *any* item in the game
Coincidence that they are together? Nah!
A Pindlebot is launched. It turn, it launchs diablo, logs into your account, creates a game, kills pindle, picks up the drops (if any), exits, creates a game, kills pindle, picks up the drops (if any), exits, creates a game, kills pindle, picks up the drops (if any), exits, creates a game, kills pindle, picks up the drops (if any), exits, creates a game, kills pindle, picks up the drops (if any), exits, creates a game, kills pindle, picks up the drops (if any), exits, creates a game, kills pindle, picks up the drops (if any), exits, creates a game, kills pindle, picks up the drops (if any),
get the picture?

I've done over 2000 at once; read my post in the Bots & Editors Section