it's easy... pretty self xplanatory... also just browse thru this forum and you'll see stickies relating to setting it up... here's a basic run thru...
download JED as well as the JED PADAWAN LEARNER~
install JED~
unzip JED PADAWAN LEARNER into the JED folder~
(@ this point you'll want to make sure you have the correct scripts or the correct character class/style - JED runs javascripts that run the bot, you'll need a character that fits the description [e.i novasorc is needed to run the novasorc script] - if you do not have a character that fits the description go to and search in the JED files for a pindle script you can work with; download the file into the pindlebot folder located in the main Javascipt folder within the main JED FOLDER)
configure the JED master to your liking [set up your acct info/pass, difficulty, declaration of character selection, etc.]~
RUN the JED PADAWAN LEARNER application: initilization is very important, you must type in your character name EXACTLY - it is case sensitive!~
RUN JED MASTER application and press START
: : : : IMPORTANT : : : :
- uncheck auto minimize in the JED MASTER SETUP
- double check the path that it opens diablo (this option is in the same tab that 'auto minimize' is in)