i see no zlogging anywhere in the inf file, am i just missing it?
; [unique string]
; Code = <string> - [Optional] This is the 4 letter itemcode.
; Notify = <bool> - [Optional] Displays a notifcation message when dropped. (default is TRUE)
;*Description = <string> - [Obsolete] Proceeded by 'Notify'
; Identified = <bool> - [Optional] 1 = identified, 0 = unidentified.
; Type = <string> - [Optional] shield/weapon/armor/helm/bow/other.
; Quality = <string> - [Optional] rare/unique/set/magic/normal/craft/superior/lowquality.
; Pickup = <bool> - [Optional] 0 = dont pickup, 1 = pickup (default if not specified).
; MinSocket = <number> - [Optional] Minimum sockets to be qualified for pickup.
; Ethereal = <bool> - [Optional] 1 = is Ethereal, 0 = isnt Ethereal.
; lowlvl = <number> - [Optional] Lowest Character Quality for item pickup.
; hghlvl = <number> - [Optional] Highest Character Quality for item pickup.
; Teleport = <bool> - [Optional] Teleport to dropped item (for instant pickup) [note: only works for Sorcerer class].
; nomove = <bool> - [Optional] Player Wont run to item, but will still pickit up if no movement is required.
; Priority = <number> - [Optional] Gives Item Priority Pickup (lower number is greater priority).
If there is a Unique Ring and a Unique Weapon next to each other (in game),
the one with the greatest priority will be targetted first.
don't know if that came out right, all i did was try to change it wehre it would not pick up rejuvs so i could run pindlebot withough inv getting full wiht pots.
Any ideas here?