Pick it


Mar 20, 2004
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Heres wha i use, change bow if u like them
[Set Bow]
Type = Bow
Quality = Set
Pickup = FALSE

[Rare Bow]
Type = Bow
Quality = Rare
Pickup = FALSE

; Rings - pickup unidentified unique/rare rings
[Unique Ring]
Code ="rin"
Identified = FALSE
Quality = Unique
Priority = 1
Teleport = TRUE

; Amulet - pickup unidentified unique/rare amulets
[Unique Amulet]
Code ="amu"
Identified = FALSE
Teleport = TRUE
Quality = Unique
Priority = 1

; Runes - pickup runes
[ITH Rune]
Code ="r06"
Priority = 16

[Ral Rune]
Code ="r08"

[Thul Rune]
Code ="r10"

;Need SOL for Rune Word - Memory
[SOL Rune]
Code = "r12"
Priority = 5
Teleport = TRUE

;Need Io For Rune Word - Memory
[Io Rune]
Code = "r16"
Priority = 5
Teleport = TRUE

;Need Lum For Rune Word - Memory
[Lum Rune]
Code = "r17"
Priority = 5
Teleport = TRUE

[Lem Rune]
Code ="r20"
Priority = 15

[Pul Rune]
Code ="r21"
Priority = 14

[Um Rune]
Code ="r22"
Priority = 13

[Mal Rune]
Code ="r23"
Priority = 12

[Ist Rune]
Code ="r24"
Priority = 11

[Gul Rune]
Code ="r25"
Priority = 10

[Vex Rune]
Code ="r26"
Priority = 9

[Ohm Rune]
Code ="r27"
Priority = 8

[Lo Rune]
Code ="r28"
Priority = 7

[Sur Rune]
Code ="r29"
Priority = 6

[Ber Rune]
Code ="r30"
Priority = 5

[Jah Rune]
Code ="r31"
Priority = 4

[Cham Rune]
Code ="r32"
Priority = 3

[Zod Rune]
Code ="r32"
Teleport = TRUE
Priority = 1

; Potions
[Rejuv Potion]
Code = "rvs"
Priority = 2

[Full Rejuv Potion]
Code ="rvl"
Priority = 1

; Chipped Gems/Skulls
;NOTE: we forget about chips after level 25...
[Chipped Emerald]
Code ="gcg"
Priority = 10
hghlvl = 25

[Chipped Ruby]
Code ="gcr"
Priority = 10
hghlvl = 25

[Chipped Topaz]
Code ="gcy"
Priority = 10
hghlvl = 25

[Chipped Amethyst]
Code ="gcv"
Priority = 10
hghlvl = 25

[Chipped Diamond]
Code ="gcw"
Priority = 10
hghlvl = 25

[Chipped Sapphire]
Code ="gcb"
Priority = 10
hghlvl = 25

[Chipped Skull]
Code ="skc"
Priority = 10
hghlvl = 25

;Perfect Gems/Skulls
[Perfect Emerald]
Code ="gpg"
Teleport = TRUE
Priority = 5

[Perfect Ruby]
Code ="gpr"
Teleport = TRUE
Priority = 5

[Perfect Topaz]
Code ="gpy"
Teleport = TRUE
Priority = 5

[Perfect Amethyst]
Code ="gpv"
Teleport = TRUE
Priority = 5

[Perfect Diamond]
Code ="gpw"
Teleport = TRUE
Priority = 5

[Perfect Sapphire]
Code ="gpb"
Teleport = TRUE
Priority = 5

[Perfect Skull]
Code ="skz"
Teleport = TRUE
Priority = 5

;Flawless Gems/Skulls
[Flawless Emerald]
Code ="glg"
Priority = 5

[Flawless Ruby]
Code ="glr"
Priority = 5

[Flawless Topaz]
Code ="gly"
Priority = 5

[Flawless Amethyst]
Code ="gzv"
Priority = 5

[Flawless Diamond]
Code ="glw"
Priority = 5

[Flawless Sapphire]
Code ="glb"
Priority = 5

[Flawless Skull]
Code ="skl"
Priority = 5

;Normal Gems/Skulls
;NOTE: we forget about Normal after level 70...
Code ="gsg"
Priority = 5
hghlvl = 70

Code ="gsr"
Priority = 5
hghlvl = 70

Code ="gsy"
Priority = 5
hghlvl = 70

Code ="gsv"
Priority = 5
hghlvl = 70

Code ="gsw"
Priority = 5
hghlvl = 70

Code ="gsb"
Priority = 5
hghlvl = 70

Code ="sku"
Priority = 5
hghlvl = 70

; Jewel/Charm - unidentified
[Unique Small Charm]
Code ="cm1"
Teleport = 1
Quality = Unique
Priority = 1

[Small Charm]
Code ="cm1"
Identified = FALSE
Teleport = TRUE
Priority = 2

; just notify if dropped
[Large Charm]
Code ="cm2"
Identified = FALSE
Pickup = FALSE

[Unique Grand Charm]
Code ="cm3"
Quality = Unique
Teleport = 1
Priority = 1

; just notify if dropped
[Grand Charm]
Code ="cm3"
Identified = FALSE
Pickup = FALSE

[Unique Jewels]
Code ="jew"
Teleport = 1
Quality = Unique
Priority = 1

Code ="jew"
Identified = FALSE
Teleport = TRUE
Priority = 2

;This will notify on all unique items
[Unique Items]
Quality = unique
Identified = FALSE
Teleport = TRUE
Priority = 1

; this will notify on all remaining set items
[Set Items]
Quality = Set
Identified = FALSE
Priority = 2

; Gold
; no description, we want to pickup gold but
; dont need to notified when it drops
Code ="gld"
Notify = FALSE
NoMove = TRUE


Jan 26, 2004
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been searching to find someones damn configs for pickit, i REALLY appreciate it..loving it now...everytime id try to do it notify would be on for everything and it just list the codes on the side...rather annoying

now...you any good with ace pindle bot? ^^

if so...

I think i got the configs right [not sure anymore] but it works right up to and including killing pindle, then it teles to him....and hits like H or something because the help screen comes up and gets stuck from there... BLAH... i want some damn items!



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