Philosophical Look At God


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Jun 7, 2003
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Washington D.C
Purpose of this thread:
In this forum I see alot people constantly saying "God exists", and then somebody says "Oh no he doesn't", and a constant repeating cycle of that. Well as the thread title says, here is a philosopical looks at God. This thread is made of philosophical views, not opinions.

First off, before I start with the philosophical look, I want to think of this. It something incredibly simple, yet no one ever thinks about it. When people say, "God doesn't exist" to some degree, why do they say it? It is mostly because there is no proof. No one can see him and such arguments that are always posed. Keep this in mind as you read what is below.

No doubt one of the most famous philosophers to ever live and has been regarded by his many philosophical thoughts as one of the brightest philosphers to ever be recorded, Sir Thomas Aquinas also known as Saint Thomas Aquinas as he is regarded by Roman Catholicism (my religion), posed three philosophical statements that relate to God:

The first is, "Every uncaused action must have a cause". An example of this is the Big Bang Theory. Many people think that if you believe in this, its anti creation in seven days. First off, the only reason why the world is created in the Old Testament of the bible, or Jewish Scriptures, is because 7 is a number meaning perfection. Seven is the symbol for perfection in the bible. The majority of the stories in bhte bible are just there to show theological aspects of God, definately not to be historically accurate. How can you know God didn't cause the Big Bang. The Big Bang is an example of the uncaused action, but the cause of the uncaused action is God. By this I am not saying that the Big Ban theory is correct, I am merely using it as an example. And to sum this first point up, God is said to be the uncaused cause in the creation of the universe.

The second is that Supreme Being cannot be defined. As soon as "God" is defined, then he is limited by our human imagination. The human race will never understand God because of our limitations. Does this mean God is exactly as he is said to be in the Bible, or the Quaran, etc. This does not mean there is one almighty supreme being, it means there is a supreme being that created everything which goes back into the first philosophical point. This being wasn't created, he has always been, and will always be.

The third thing is the order of things. Another thing that people think is anti religion is evolution. If it was random defects in DNA that formed the human race over millions of years, then why is everything else so orderly. If something as advanced as us coming from whatever primitive stages we came from so long ago, why is the universe so orderly? Why don't the planets fall out of orbit, why don't random defects occur all around us? I am not asking here here how are the planets staying in orbit, because the answer is obviously gravity. I am asking why does gravity exist. Science explains how, religions explain why. This is not also talking about everything is orderly because of the law of physics, I am asking why do what these laws say exist. There is an order to things, and the supreme being from point two causes this order.

As I said in the first paragraph, people don't believe in God because there isn't any proof. But if you think about it, what do you do that you require proof for? In court, you gather tangible evidence (hardly ever 100% proof), and you decide from that, but there is no proof. You have faith that the evidence is correct. When you drive through a green light you have faith that the cars with a red light will stop there is never any proof that they will. You have faith that they will. There is no definite proof of God, but you have faith in so many other things, so why not God?

Note: I ask that you read this whole post before you post because many of the points overlap with each other.

Also, if anything here is not clear to you, ask and I will further expand on any point.

Finally, don't turn this into a thread just saying yes and no, if you don't think that something that someone is true say why, don't say "thats bullshit" or so forth.


Premium Member
Jul 19, 2003
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Joe's Garage.
after reading the WHOLE post I have some stuff to add.

why don't random defects occur all around us?
If I got what you were trying to say I think i have a retort. We become retarded. Born crippled. 5 year old kids looking like they are over 50 years old. Watch Maury, he brings all these defected and disabled kids on his show and gives them a gift basket.

As I said in the first paragraph, people don't believe in God because there isn't any proof. But if you think about it, what do you do that you require proof for? In court, you gather tangible evidence (hardly ever 100% proof), and you decide from that, but there is no proof.
I don't believe in a God for my own reasons, which i will state some now.
1) Is the lack of believabilty, It also has to do with proof but that is not my only reason. Cause if there was proof I still wouldn't "follow his words."
2)Lack of "Helpping his 'children' in need." By that I mean all of the Wars and terrible instinses that happen that "The all Powerful" could of stopped. Holocaust, Spanish Inquasition, "Witch Hunts" (where they killed women cause they thought they were "witches"
3) I do not want to believe something out of fear. I think I am better than that. I don't want to believe in a God just to get out of a hell.

I have taken all of my God induced posts more serious then just "no proof, no belief" I think its cool for you to make this.

And one last thing. Whats the difference between roman and other kinds of Catholism? Different "stations of the cross" cause thats what I am remembering


Oct 11, 2002
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May i just state that you cannot believe in something that has proven to be real. For instance, i could believe that their is something under my bed, but if i look and nothing is there, then my belief is nullified.

But i do believe in God.


Respected Member
Jun 7, 2003
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Washington D.C
Static said:
after reading the WHOLE post I have some stuff to add.

If I got what you were trying to say I think i have a retort. We become retarded. Born crippled. 5 year old kids looking like they are over 50 years old. Watch Maury, he brings all these defected and disabled kids on his show and gives them a gift basket.

I don't believe in a God for my own reasons, which i will state some now.
1) Is the lack of believabilty, It also has to do with proof but that is not my only reason. Cause if there was proof I still wouldn't "follow his words."
2)Lack of "Helpping his 'children' in need." By that I mean all of the Wars and terrible instinses that happen that "The all Powerful" could of stopped. Holocaust, Spanish Inquasition, "Witch Hunts" (where they killed women cause they thought they were "witches"
3) I do not want to believe something out of fear. I think I am better than that. I don't want to believe in a God just to get out of a hell.

I have taken all of my God induced posts more serious then just "no proof, no belief" I think its cool for you to make this.

And one last thing. Whats the difference between roman and other kinds of Catholism? Different "stations of the cross" cause thats what I am remembering
For the random defects thing, that isn't refering to the biology you are refering to. The random defects mean why don't planets just randomly fall out of orbit as I stated in the refernce in "the order of things". The question is why is there the stabilities in the universe (aka scientific laws are constant).

For the lack of his help, I don't anyone has thoroughly explained this. In the bible it says God created us in his image. This doesn't mean we look like him it means we have free will. Even if you don't believe in God you still have to admit we have free will. It is the free will of individuals that causes these events. Also, if got stepped into the picture then it would be a free will vs predestination. God stepping in to stop all of these would cause our future's to be predestinated and thus we wouldn't have free will. And obviously you as someone who doesn't believe in God doesn't believe in predestination because that is said to be credited to God (Note: I believe in free will, not predestination).

For your #3, I do not believe in God out of fear. You do NOT have to be Roman Catholic to go to heaven. Even if you as an Athiest do not believe in God and you live a good life you will still go to heaven. Roman Catholocism doesn't even teach that we are the right religion.

For your last question, there is only one type of catholocism, Roman Catholocism is just the long name for being a catholic. If your asking whats the difference between different branches of Christain religions then say so and I'll expand on that.

May i just state that you cannot believe in something that has proven to be real. For instance, i could believe that their is something under my bed, but if i look and nothing is there, then my belief is nullified.

But i do believe in God.
You actually can believe in something that has been proven real. I believe in Jesus Christ, even though there is discussion of if he is the messiah or not, it is proven he lived. He might not have been the messiah, he might have, but he lived. I believe in him, and he is proven to have lived (aka be real).
"Blessed are the ones whom do not see and believe when you see and do not believe". That's a supposive quote from Jesus, but regardless you should get what I mean by saying that.


BattleForums Senior Member
May 17, 2003
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Tipsy said:
Purpose of this thread:
How can you know God didn't cause the Big Bang. The Big Bang is an example of the uncaused action, but the cause of the uncaused action is God.
As soon as "God" is defined, then he is limited by our human imagination.
Great post, but I'd just like to pick this point out. I understand what you are saying, that if everthing has a cause, then the beginning of everything must also have a cause, which can be god. Now, by saying god "is" the "cause of the uncaused action," arn't you limitting god to your Human conception of time and action?


BattleForums Senior Member
May 17, 2003
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MacMan said:
arn't you limitting god to your Human conception of time and action?
I don't think he's limiting God to the bounds of time and action. I think God can still be percieved as limitless even though he has caused an action in our perception of reality. A chicken is not limited to laying eggs just because it lays one.


May 28, 2003
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I say the churches pope and all those are really curropt here's one thing.

Religion will betray you even if you think it's doing you good. Oh by the way religion will destroy your life. heh... >.>


BattleForums Addict
Mar 19, 2004
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Texas lol
I say the churches pope and all those are really curropt here's one thing.

Religion will betray you even if you think it's doing you good. Oh by the way religion will destroy your life. heh... >.>
How will religion betray you? It seems to me like only people are capable of betraying religion. And how does religion destroy your life? Care to give some examples? Because I have never personally experienced this before.

Lack of "Helpping his 'children' in need." By that I mean all of the Wars and terrible instinses that happen that "The all Powerful" could of stopped. Holocaust, Spanish Inquasition, "Witch Hunts" (where they killed women cause they thought they were "witches"
Your parents love you, right? And yet they let you do things like use a hot stove or go skateboarding or stay at home alone, even though they know the risks that are involved. They love you enough to give you the freedom to make your own mistakes. How else would we learn? If God solved all our problems for us, what would be the point? That's how I see it.

I don't want to believe in a God just to get out of a hell.
Neither do I.


Premium Member
Jul 19, 2003
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Joe's Garage.
Your parents love you, right? And yet they let you do things like use a hot stove or go skateboarding or stay at home alone, even though they know the risks that are involved. They love you enough to give you the freedom to make your own mistakes. How else would we learn? If God solved all our problems for us, what would be the point? That's how I see it.
Its one thing to get your knee scraped but its another to get your ribs crushed, arms and legs getting ripped out of location, burnt to death, thrown of cliffs, crushed by beds of nails, getting brutally beated to death.

How the hell can you compare those things. I thought better of someone who can think as philosophical as you.


May 28, 2003
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Religion betrays you because you don't know what a lot of things happened a long time ago associated with religion especially WW2 NAZI ADOLF HITLER (pure hippocrit) !!!


BattleForums Addict
Mar 19, 2004
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Texas lol
Religion betrays you because you don't know what a lot of things happened a long time ago associated with religion especially WW2 NAZI ADOLF HITLER (pure hippocrit) !!!
People like Hitler are the entire problem. Also, in my opinion, Hitler betrayed Christianity. He went against everything the Bible teaches. It's sad if you base your opinion of all Christians off of your opinion of Hitler.

Its one thing to get your knee scraped but its another to get your ribs crushed, arms and legs getting ripped out of location, burnt to death, thrown of cliffs, crushed by beds of nails, getting brutally beated to death.

How the hell can you compare those things. I thought better of someone who can think as philosophical as you.
It was an example. I'm not saying getting your knee scraped is as horrible as the injuries people suffer every day. All that I'm saying is that the world is our responsibility and these are our problems, and we'd be stupid to expect God to fix everything for us. Aren't you the one who said people shouldn't use God as a crutch?


Premium Member
Jul 19, 2003
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Joe's Garage.
It was an example. I'm not saying getting your knee scraped is as horrible as the injuries people suffer every day. All that I'm saying is that the world is our responsibility and these are our problems, and we'd be stupid to expect God to fix everything for us. Aren't you the one who said people shouldn't use God as a crutch?
Never said we shouldn't use God as a Crutch, just used the people who are dependent on him using him like that. But we have heard it all before.

But if God is real. Don't you think he should at least help some of his followers. The ones who follow him and believe in miracles and thus believe the stories in the bible to be true should be saved bible style. God saved David(or some old name) from the lions den. He also didn't let a follower get burnt after being thrown in an incinartor.

Oh i have read the stories. I used to be Catholic. But i grew out of the "I will believe anything" stage of my life.

Lets hope they are living it up In "heaven"


BattleForums Addict
Mar 19, 2004
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Texas lol
But if God is real. Don't you think he should at least help some of his followers. The ones who follow him and believe in miracles and thus believe the stories in the bible to be true should be saved bible style. God saved David(or some old name) from the lions den. He also didn't let a follower get burnt after being thrown in an incinartor.
I think that if God is real, we should care enough about the people he created to do something to help them. Why wait for God when we are perfectly capable of solving the problems ourselves?

Daniel and the lion's den....Maybe it really happened, and maybe it's just a story. That's the problem -- people spend so much time looking for God in the Bible that they forget to look for him in other people. If something is wrong, people should do something about it.

Oh i have read the stories. I used to be Catholic. But i grew out of the "I will believe anything" stage of my life.
So did I. I believe what I feel is right. Who cares what the church thinks or what other people think because these beliefs are mine, and that's good enough for me.


Sep 5, 2002
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Wichita, KS
Discussions of God are interesting to me to say the least. I just want say a few things from my stand point. First off I just wanted to say to Static that in your statement about cxoli not being philosophical, you yourself were not being in the right set of thinking. In cxoli's comparison, it doesn't matter that he used such a light example, it is just an small example that can be broadened on a larger scale. Humans are given the right to make their own decisions and therefore decide their own destinies. Now someone else can also decide our destinies too, take Hitler as mentioned above, he took many people's lives through his policies and his orders. He had the power to take decide some people's destinies aka have them killed, and it was not God who put him in power, but people who did.

Also religion does not betray you, religion is just a collection of ideals and thoughts, it is up to humans to carry it out and ultimately decide what they will or won't do while they live. People of different religions fight over ideas and even for land as in the Middle East. These things are not really part of what religion should be about. Religion is a guideline for your life, as God is a guideline of the universe.

Which brings me to my idea of God, or at least one of them. As was said above, God can be seen as a guiding force of the universe, seen in scientific laws of biology, chemistry, phsyics, etc. This is a different view of God as a supreme being, because in this way of thinking, God as an actual being or lifeform does not exist; however, as an idea, or sort of guiding force if you will, he does. This way of thinking about God, does put limits on God as you can see, but it does not give Him a small definition since many many equations and factors are seen to "control" the universe.

Now describing God as a supreme being leaves lots of room for explanation. Many philosophers, artists, and other asortments of people have tried to come up with good explanations for God. Probably no one has gotten it right, but no one can say for sure since no one living has ever seen God in the flesh, that is if he indeed has a corpareal being, and we can not say for certain what He is or isn't.

My main advice, is to look at "God" as a good thing. Think of the idea of God as being good in nature. In other words, try to be an overall person, it makes an impact on people, a good impact. Sure being evil has it's impacts too, but who is the last evil person you've had as an idol. Anyways, an overall compassion toward your fellow man/woman certainly improves your self-esteem and theirs as well. Being good is healthy for you and I certainly feel better about myself after helping someone or being kind to someone even though I don't feel in the best of attitudes.


Jan 23, 2003
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cxoli said:
I think that if God is real, we should care enough about the people he created to do something to help them. Why wait for God when we are perfectly capable of solving the problems ourselves?

@ William Dell, Long time no see, how have you been?

@ crazy-man

1. is your sig too large?

2. why do you hate religion so much?

3. not everyone is like hitler, there are some christians that durring their free time will make sandwiches and go to san fransisco and feed the homeless(true story, i know the man that did this)

On another note

was see you at the pole today in your school?(if you dont know what it is dont ask)


6 years and going strong!
Jun 4, 2003
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Somewhere In Asia
dont make crazy man change his sig.. i like it :)

You ask wheres the proof that God exists?
well my friend that proof is you.

what about evolution?
well think about it.. if we evolved from monkeys why arnt they as civilized as we are?
and why arnt there differnt kinds of humans..and im not talking about skin color or ethicity.

yes the bible is a bit hard to belive, but it has in it what Sumerarians written down as history such as the great flood.. (Noah's Ark)

I choose to belive in God for 3 reasons
1. it makes me a better person
2. it doesnt hurt to belive in God
3. i have somthing to look forward to after i die (Heaven) if of couse i can get in :)


Respected Member
Jun 7, 2003
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Washington D.C
Oh i have read the stories. I used to be Catholic. But i grew out of the "I will believe anything" stage of my life.
So did I, that's why I proved to myself God exists.

what about evolution?
well think about it.. if we evolved from monkeys why arnt they as civilized as we are?
and why arnt there differnt kinds of humans..and im not talking about skin color or ethicity.
All of these types of things are under the 3rd philosophical truth.

To sum some stuff up:
Unfortunately, a lot of people in the United States are just Christain because they don't think about it and just think "hey, I'm Christain so I'm not going to hell, etc" and most of them can't even tell you what Pentecost is. A lot of how the Catholic church is portrayed today in the American culture is far off from what the Catholic church is. Many Catholics are for example pro-abortion (pro-life) and you cannot be a good catholic or christain being pro-abortion. Some people around you say "I'm Christain" and try to explain it when they know absolutely nothing (Note: This is not about anyone here, it is just a statement for people around you in life).


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 23, 2002
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Tipsy said:
Some people around you say "I'm Christain" and try to explain it when they know absolutely nothing (Note: This is not about anyone here, it is just a statement for people around you in life).
ever stop to think that they are new to it and want to try to explain it with how much they do know?

i know from personal experiences that i also have fallen short to spread the teachings of god... but yet it has made me go back to learn more so that i might be better prepared for the next time to come around. It says in the bible that we should be fishers of men. That is exactly what im trying to be.

other than that, great post Tipsy


BattleForums Senior Member
Aug 7, 2004
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crazy-man said:
Religion betrays you because you don't know what a lot of things happened a long time ago associated with religion especially WW2 NAZI ADOLF HITLER (pure hippocrit) !!!
dont base the whole of a kind to just one from the kind. as far as i can tell hitler wasnt christian. if he was a christian he would have helped the ppl. set up churches and preached instead of waging war. from the book heaven is so real, it says "...only twenty percent of the christians are pleasing me..." that means only 20% are real christians.
also i use to think that every1 here wuz godless. now i know that there are christians here too>


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