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Purpose of this thread:
In this forum I see alot people constantly saying "God exists", and then somebody says "Oh no he doesn't", and a constant repeating cycle of that. Well as the thread title says, here is a philosopical looks at God. This thread is made of philosophical views, not opinions.
First off, before I start with the philosophical look, I want to think of this. It something incredibly simple, yet no one ever thinks about it. When people say, "God doesn't exist" to some degree, why do they say it? It is mostly because there is no proof. No one can see him and such arguments that are always posed. Keep this in mind as you read what is below.
No doubt one of the most famous philosophers to ever live and has been regarded by his many philosophical thoughts as one of the brightest philosphers to ever be recorded, Sir Thomas Aquinas also known as Saint Thomas Aquinas as he is regarded by Roman Catholicism (my religion), posed three philosophical statements that relate to God:
The first is, "Every uncaused action must have a cause". An example of this is the Big Bang Theory. Many people think that if you believe in this, its anti creation in seven days. First off, the only reason why the world is created in the Old Testament of the bible, or Jewish Scriptures, is because 7 is a number meaning perfection. Seven is the symbol for perfection in the bible. The majority of the stories in bhte bible are just there to show theological aspects of God, definately not to be historically accurate. How can you know God didn't cause the Big Bang. The Big Bang is an example of the uncaused action, but the cause of the uncaused action is God. By this I am not saying that the Big Ban theory is correct, I am merely using it as an example. And to sum this first point up, God is said to be the uncaused cause in the creation of the universe.
The second is that Supreme Being cannot be defined. As soon as "God" is defined, then he is limited by our human imagination. The human race will never understand God because of our limitations. Does this mean God is exactly as he is said to be in the Bible, or the Quaran, etc. This does not mean there is one almighty supreme being, it means there is a supreme being that created everything which goes back into the first philosophical point. This being wasn't created, he has always been, and will always be.
The third thing is the order of things. Another thing that people think is anti religion is evolution. If it was random defects in DNA that formed the human race over millions of years, then why is everything else so orderly. If something as advanced as us coming from whatever primitive stages we came from so long ago, why is the universe so orderly? Why don't the planets fall out of orbit, why don't random defects occur all around us? I am not asking here here how are the planets staying in orbit, because the answer is obviously gravity. I am asking why does gravity exist. Science explains how, religions explain why. This is not also talking about everything is orderly because of the law of physics, I am asking why do what these laws say exist. There is an order to things, and the supreme being from point two causes this order.
As I said in the first paragraph, people don't believe in God because there isn't any proof. But if you think about it, what do you do that you require proof for? In court, you gather tangible evidence (hardly ever 100% proof), and you decide from that, but there is no proof. You have faith that the evidence is correct. When you drive through a green light you have faith that the cars with a red light will stop there is never any proof that they will. You have faith that they will. There is no definite proof of God, but you have faith in so many other things, so why not God?
Note: I ask that you read this whole post before you post because many of the points overlap with each other.
Also, if anything here is not clear to you, ask and I will further expand on any point.
Finally, don't turn this into a thread just saying yes and no, if you don't think that something that someone is true say why, don't say "thats bullshit" or so forth.
In this forum I see alot people constantly saying "God exists", and then somebody says "Oh no he doesn't", and a constant repeating cycle of that. Well as the thread title says, here is a philosopical looks at God. This thread is made of philosophical views, not opinions.
First off, before I start with the philosophical look, I want to think of this. It something incredibly simple, yet no one ever thinks about it. When people say, "God doesn't exist" to some degree, why do they say it? It is mostly because there is no proof. No one can see him and such arguments that are always posed. Keep this in mind as you read what is below.
No doubt one of the most famous philosophers to ever live and has been regarded by his many philosophical thoughts as one of the brightest philosphers to ever be recorded, Sir Thomas Aquinas also known as Saint Thomas Aquinas as he is regarded by Roman Catholicism (my religion), posed three philosophical statements that relate to God:
The first is, "Every uncaused action must have a cause". An example of this is the Big Bang Theory. Many people think that if you believe in this, its anti creation in seven days. First off, the only reason why the world is created in the Old Testament of the bible, or Jewish Scriptures, is because 7 is a number meaning perfection. Seven is the symbol for perfection in the bible. The majority of the stories in bhte bible are just there to show theological aspects of God, definately not to be historically accurate. How can you know God didn't cause the Big Bang. The Big Bang is an example of the uncaused action, but the cause of the uncaused action is God. By this I am not saying that the Big Ban theory is correct, I am merely using it as an example. And to sum this first point up, God is said to be the uncaused cause in the creation of the universe.
The second is that Supreme Being cannot be defined. As soon as "God" is defined, then he is limited by our human imagination. The human race will never understand God because of our limitations. Does this mean God is exactly as he is said to be in the Bible, or the Quaran, etc. This does not mean there is one almighty supreme being, it means there is a supreme being that created everything which goes back into the first philosophical point. This being wasn't created, he has always been, and will always be.
The third thing is the order of things. Another thing that people think is anti religion is evolution. If it was random defects in DNA that formed the human race over millions of years, then why is everything else so orderly. If something as advanced as us coming from whatever primitive stages we came from so long ago, why is the universe so orderly? Why don't the planets fall out of orbit, why don't random defects occur all around us? I am not asking here here how are the planets staying in orbit, because the answer is obviously gravity. I am asking why does gravity exist. Science explains how, religions explain why. This is not also talking about everything is orderly because of the law of physics, I am asking why do what these laws say exist. There is an order to things, and the supreme being from point two causes this order.
As I said in the first paragraph, people don't believe in God because there isn't any proof. But if you think about it, what do you do that you require proof for? In court, you gather tangible evidence (hardly ever 100% proof), and you decide from that, but there is no proof. You have faith that the evidence is correct. When you drive through a green light you have faith that the cars with a red light will stop there is never any proof that they will. You have faith that they will. There is no definite proof of God, but you have faith in so many other things, so why not God?
Note: I ask that you read this whole post before you post because many of the points overlap with each other.
Also, if anything here is not clear to you, ask and I will further expand on any point.
Finally, don't turn this into a thread just saying yes and no, if you don't think that something that someone is true say why, don't say "thats bullshit" or so forth.