Premium Member
So I'm sure that many of you are aware of this now, but if not, Michael Phelps, the swim god himself was caught smoking pot in a picture. Apparently this is a big ordeal as smoking pot is a horrible offense to mankind and it kills babies and gives AIDs to poor, third-world country's children, but seriously.
As long as he keeps bringing the Golds to us-A, then it doesn't really matter, or does it?
Or do you think that with this marijuana is slowly losing it's "frowned upon" position and will eventually get decriminalized, at least, or maybe get the green light and finally be legal?
Thoughts? Opinions? Michael Phelps is still the best swimmer? I think so.
As long as he keeps bringing the Golds to us-A, then it doesn't really matter, or does it?
Or do you think that with this marijuana is slowly losing it's "frowned upon" position and will eventually get decriminalized, at least, or maybe get the green light and finally be legal?
Thoughts? Opinions? Michael Phelps is still the best swimmer? I think so.