Patch 1.22 GG


eSports Player
Jul 15, 2003
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Human patch ftw! <3 <3 I go ladder to abuse towers vs ud, rape orc as usual, kill dryads to gain higher level vs elf and hmmm be careful vs human. Wait Westfall is gonna be up these days. Time to try it in the evening b4 going europe ladder, I hope they don't make a reset.

Originally Posted by forums (Blizzard Representitive)

Here are the Patch Notes for 1.22:
Patch 1.22


- There is now a replay auto-save feature in the options menu. Replays
are automatically saved to the "replay" folder.
- Added an option to always show unit and building health bars.
- You can now enable and disable the display of minimap signals
from players and other observers using chat commands:
/showminimapsignals and /hideminimapsignals.


- Scout Tower repair rate changed from 12 to 20.
- Knight damage increased: Attack cooldown changed from 1.50 to
1.40 and base damage increased from 25 to 28 (Average damage is 34).

- Increased Ziggurat base armor from 1 to 5.
- Reduced the build time of the Necropolis from 120 to 100.

- Reduce the Orb of venom poison duration from 10 seconds to 8 seconds.
- Increase the experience gain from Dryads from Level 2 (40xp) to
Level 3 (60 xp).


- The cooldown on unlimited usable items (example: the staff of
preservation) now persists after the item is dropped or traded.
- A cooldown exploit with potions has been fixed.
- When you unburrow a Crypt Fiend, its auto-cast will no longer be toggled
- An exploit bug in which items could lose their cooldowns when transferred
between heroes has been fixed.


Furthermore, these 4 new contest winner maps will be included in the final patch, but not on the PTR:
- (2)MeltingValley
- (2)RoadToStratholme
- (4)CentaurGrove
- (4)TidewaterGlades
Nice, knights can now kick the damn fiends ass. Less cooldown and more dmg. But more importantly - go, go towers!
-ud: 20 seconds less buildiing of Necro, no big deal. Though zig's armor change.... too big increase but game shouldn't be over in the base, only for noobs who don't know when to quit and when they lose.
-elves: GG I kill dryads and my heroes get higher ;>
I've seen some noob massers of dryads and truly breakers and casters may die from them so morts are always needed but mass dryad will mean mass experience and imo 1-2 levels more for the heroes which rules.

- Auto-save replays, ok, no need though.

- I'd rather use the Alt for showing HP bar instead of having bars all the time, they confuse when shown all the time.

- save the obs from mass signals, hahah

- we won't be able to use 1 staff from one hero to another? That's skill to be able to transfer the staff during a battle and save another unit fast. That really, really sucks.... Knights die so quickly vs ud, no save knights = lose. On the other hand, the strat vs ud will be tier 3, so I wanna see what they're gonna do with those fiends. Yet, what the hell, you tp one knight and your hero gets nuked, so you use holy light on heroes, then how the heck are we supposed to save knights from dests? Not to say I loved the staff micro. They must fix the cooldown to be none from one hero to another, as if using the staff 2 or 3 times can save all of your units. After 3 units tp you don't feed, then you can be ready to tp again. 1 use ...

- New maps.. I thumb now all possible and I only play EI, TS, TR, TM, LT, PhatnomGrove, GW, so I don't care about new maps, the rest are **** maps.

Emperor Pan I

Respected Member
Aug 8, 2002
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Apparently 1.22 was such a big patch this is part one, and a second one will be coming slightly later.

lawl, go go buff undead more.

Dryads were always so ****, though i'm not going to lie I thought they already were level 3. Figures NE players could just throw them away. The great thing is the item fixes also nerf Ne players and those damn staffs.


eSports Player
Jul 15, 2003
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Those damn staves can save you from ud nuking, it's skill to use 1 staff for 2-3 heroes, that change sux. There is only one plus, but it's 2:1 for cons vs pros for Human:

- human cannot save more than 1 unit in a battle vs ud, that sux because knights die fast (-)
- human cannot use staff in mirror, vs players who don't use staff that was an advantage ffs (-)
- human can make more wins vs elf because, for the lost breakers an elf will lose units too, it won't be lost units for hu vs no lost or very few for elf, unless they buy 2 staves, that's what i've seen for people who are not skilled in switching 1 staff. (+)

Dryads are why I lose from elves, pure bears = gg elf, dryads are what make an elf win.

According to what I read, the rest will be BNet changes like mb AMM, ladder, there won't be other races changes. I don't want reset coz I'm sick of lvl 1-30 again.


Guy with Most Posts on Quiet Board.
May 20, 2003
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Temple Prime, Sarajevo
Finally, a reason to hunt down and kill those ****ing dryads, Night Elfs cookie cutter unit. I find it dumb they were Level 2. And that is the level of T1 Archers. I believe most Casters are 2-3.

Yeah, Knights needed a serious boost. They are probably the easiest melee for me to take down, regardless of race. I could do it with 2/2 Grunts/Raiders, even if he upgrades them. A few statis traps, some healing wards, and dispel thier IF and my Slow/Poly attempts. The only time I lose is if I am outnumbered severly.

Its good to know at least Orc is balanced enough. The only last serious changes I remember was cutting Ensare by 3 seconds and giving Spirit Walkers Resistant Skin to withstand spells like Charm and Poly.

I am going to miss that item transfer exploit, especially with staves. That was a great thing to do to save my men. But alas, it gets annoying really fast. You almost have a hero, or a unit on the rope. Then BAM! He escapes via staff. Before teleporting, he gives it to his second hero to allow another unit to escape instantly.

I never really faced HU soloists who used Staff of Sanctuary to save thier guys yet. However, the rod is balanced in the sence your unit is locked still while he recovers lost HP. On some units, that could put them out for a good 30 seconds. And if you attack thier base, you can put like 2-3 units on attacking it, and the unit may never recover. But Staff was instant and you simply just used Moon Wells or items to heal. It was a decent exploit while it lasted, but although I used it myself - I didn't really want to face it again.


eSports Player
Jul 15, 2003
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I'm over the 'gg staff save' thing, firstly because as I said vs elf means more units killed, 2ndly - I won't waste 500 gold for 2 sanct staves, I may still use 1 staff, any unit saved matters, 3rd - it will be interesting to do the move away even vs ud or mirror, that will require more skill and micro than tp-ing a unit.

I never thought about the rod of necromanyc, indeed they abuse it with hero transfer but in tier 2 few more skeles makes no difference... so ud hasn't been nerfed. They could have reduced coil range a little.


Guy with Most Posts on Quiet Board.
May 20, 2003
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Temple Prime, Sarajevo
It wont really matter for you because you have alternative means of escape. One such method is your invis spells.

Invis is hard to dispel because you don't really know where you are, plus some players don't pay attention too well on who hides and who doesn't. Unless the player uses prediction or uses dust.


eSports Player
Jul 15, 2003
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I don't use casters vs ud, it's silly vs dests and that's the hard - a unit to escape from them. I play tier 3 only vs hu (not always) and vs ud to use staff.


BattleForums Senior Member
Jul 18, 2003
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Knight buff is good
auto saving replays is really good. I dont know how many times ive missed a good replay becuase i was to anxious to get to the next game!

NE smurfing is ****, yay another useless NE unit! Why dont they just come out and say "hey were disabling NE for a couple years, so that some of the other races actually get played"

Emperor Pan I

Respected Member
Aug 8, 2002
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Knight buff is good
auto saving replays is really good. I dont know how many times ive missed a good replay becuase i was to anxious to get to the next game!

NE smurfing is ****, yay another useless NE unit! Why dont they just come out and say "hey were disabling NE for a couple years, so that some of the other races actually get played"
try not losing Dryads, and that change doesn't matter.


BattleForums Senior Member
Jul 18, 2003
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Yeah you could apply that to any unit right, so why single out yet another NE unit! That's like saying "Try not attacking with your knights, and the change doesn't matter!


Guy with Most Posts on Quiet Board.
May 20, 2003
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Temple Prime, Sarajevo
He is pointing out when you said Dryads were useless. As long as they stay alive, they are useful to the cause.


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Err tower's reapir rate going up is not buff it's a nerf.. They will take forever to repair now.


Guy with Most Posts on Quiet Board.
May 20, 2003
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Temple Prime, Sarajevo
Thats was unfair when you attacked bases.

Because the moment you went for a tower. 50 peasents rush to fix it. And its almost impossible to kill now.

Emperor Pan I

Respected Member
Aug 8, 2002
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Yeah you could apply that to any unit right, so why single out yet another NE unit! That's like saying "Try not attacking with your knights, and the change doesn't matter!
Except the Dryad wasn't changed, just the experience you get from losing one. So No it doesn't apply to just any changes in other units.


Guy with Most Posts on Quiet Board.
May 20, 2003
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Temple Prime, Sarajevo
Yeah 20 more experience. That can be a bad thing to feed to enemies now.


BattleForums Senior Member
Jul 18, 2003
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I still feel that it is easy for most to attack NE becuase its rep of being a race for noobs. It's happened for years! Every time somone loses to NE it has to be becuase of some major imbalance in the race! No, it couldn't be real deciding factors such as skill, or chance!

It's not enough to nerf every possible unit NE has been givin... Now they half to award more exp. for destroying those units too.

It seems to me it would make a little more sence if there was some sort of justification behind the change. Seriously, has anyone ever killed a drayd, and thought to themselves "I really feel like I should have gained a few more exp. from that. Maybe Blizzard should be notified!"


eSports Player
Jul 15, 2003
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Err tower's reapir rate going up is not buff it's a nerf.. They will take forever to repair now.
rate = speed, right? Increase from 12 to 20 means faster repair? Correct me, but wtf I know it doesn't make sense to buff towers since they said they werer going to nerf them... I just thought I could even tower undead.

Honestly it doesn't matter coz the funny thing vs elf and orc is while they focus a tower I kill their units, so I don't care about that nerf. If they do nothing, then towers will be up. Not to say some ****ing n000bs say - lame towers blah blah when I have an army and own without towers. Some have seen me - I make like 3 towers then destroy a Beastery or AoL but I own and can destroy them without 3 towers, towering ahahha 3 towers is nothing.

But how is this a nerf when the rate is increased? - I think I got it - it's not the repair rate that's increased, it's the repair time. Right?


Guy with Most Posts on Quiet Board.
May 20, 2003
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Temple Prime, Sarajevo
I still feel that it is easy for most to attack NE becuase its rep of being a race for noobs. It's happened for years! Every time somone loses to NE it has to be becuase of some major imbalance in the race! No, it couldn't be real deciding factors such as skill, or chance!

It's not enough to nerf every possible unit NE has been givin... Now they half to award more exp. for destroying those units too.

It seems to me it would make a little more sence if there was some sort of justification behind the change. Seriously, has anyone ever killed a drayd, and thought to themselves "I really feel like I should have gained a few more exp. from that. Maybe Blizzard should be notified!"
A race for noobs? Have you seriously seen noobs use rejuv on thier units in the heat of battle? Have you seriously seen noobs with such great micro that even the easy to kill things like Dryads can stand up to piercing weakness? Have you seriously seen the capabilities of heroes like the Demon Hunter or the Warden in battle?

NE has the easiest learning curve, but its the hardest to master in the end.

Dryads are the most annoying of NE units, and can be the most damaging in the right hands. Especially when you use Slow Poison properly.


BattleForums Senior Member
Jul 18, 2003
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None of witch denies the truth that NE has been singled out!

And though Slow poison is a GREAT ability Its best used for owning on fleeing units! Something that only take about 2-3 dryads to do anyway.

Yes I have seriously seen dryads easily crumble, feeding levels to enemy heroes numorous times before this change.As of they weren't pwnd enough before, now they will ultimitly be the victims of focus fire

Blizzard = Racists :)


Premium Member
Jan 19, 2004
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who masses dryads? lol


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