Based on the information I've gathered from various sources, this patch won't be that big of a deal. I mean, it will be, but it wont. They're just going to add a few underpowered uniques that can be spread through all 3 types (Normal Excep Elite), a few new runewords (5 lowitems, 2mid, 3high), tweak a few things that were never ment to be part of the game (Enigma being used for teleport on any char, for example).
They're also adding a new whole area to tristram on Hell. From what I've heard (based off my friends knowledge of Manderin Chinese, which is what the asian patch note thing or whatever is) is that you kill Baal on hell, then you get a quest that sends you to tristram, where you have to kill DClone, or Diablo. + Meph + Baal (or whatever "attacked from all sides by major evils" means) at the same time, only then to be allowed into the depths area where Lilith is.
Take what you want from it.
Take what you want from it