How the Hell do i get my bot to party up it makes a baal game and gets to baal and makes a tp but dont party up ? :frustrate
// Team Botting configuration
// PublicMode = 0/1/2 0 - Private, 1 - Public, >1 - Supports Leeches
// YAM_TPMsg = value define the boardcast msg to use to signal to the team bots to enter your tp
// WaitForPortal = true/false; Set to true to wait for a YAM_TPMsg before entering tp
// rather than teleporting to the boss itself.
// YAM_UseFriendsList = true/false Set to true to use the "/f m" command for your team bots
// to join your game rather than message them individually
// if true, you need to add the accounts of your team bots
// to your bnet friends list!
YAM_TPMsg="Enter With Caution. If bot chickens or there are dolls, hostile to go to next game. Have Fun!";
[B]PublicMode = 0;[/B]