Premium Member
I dont no why im infaxiated with him im very heterosexual but um he is canadian and he is GoD
I am very sac religous. I have accepted the fact that even if theri would be a God he wouldnt love us i mean the very tidal GOD is showinf extreme supremacy and Faith whats stupider than faith i think if their was a god he would of showed himself. i also never understod the whole cruxificton of jesus saving us from sin but you no what thats my opinon im not christan so i dont try an push my veiws on other people.Originally posted by whaturmuva[PD]
what kind of gay crap is this he can be cool but a god... What kind of sacreligious mother Fu*kers r u?
What the hell...Originally posted by |B|j|o|r|n|i|t|a|
it's fun to be sad. that's what somebody told me when i was doing a mini RP on the back of my science test, my science teacher kept bringing it up. and then...oh yes... you see, the back of our science tests last year were mainly notes. but they had to be handed in to the teacher, so they were all clean. we mainly made up stupid insults, quoted the hell out of monty python, and did a wee bit of winston churchill and shakespeare (kinge of ye olde englishe insults). but...yea. it's like the glowing ball of demonic evilness. the ball, it glows blue. so it's a glowing ball. and the guy who has it is kind of a mix of demonic and evil p and something else....) but anyhoo that makes it a glowing ball of demonic evilness. i'm droning.....w00t! almost as good as terrorizing yahoo games with ould english 1337 5p34k!