I am seriously dumbfounded as to how stupid people can be sometimes... If you dont know shit about paladins, dont post shit about paladins. [not directed to any person in particular in this thread or any other thread but a broad view over time]
To start - Tesladins were somewhat rare yet still found in .09 and much rare in .10. The defensive skill tree IS worth points in some areas. For one [of many] You dont have to be an idiot to look at vengence synergies and see the defensive tree put to use.
anarchistica said:
Let's see...
Prayer: Medics
Resist Fire: No one
Resist Cold: Frostdins
Resist Lightning: Tesladins, Shockers
Defiance: Zealots
Cleansing: Medics
Vigor: Every paladin with a brain, especially Hammerdins and Chargedins
Meditation: Hammerdin, Medics (for Pindlerunning)
Redemption: Medics
Salvation: Frostdins, Shockers, Medics, any paladin without full resists on Hell
You forgot vengence all together which puts an entirely new name to the single resist auras. Not To Mention the passive bonus of +%max they give per two skill levels invested - which is pvp material if you have extra points.
N_Edd said:
what kind of idiot uses defensive auras? they're all useless...
:hbut ... I truly didnt have words to say back to that... you had me speachless of how lame that comment was - so that smiley should help.
N_Edd said:
medics? who plays em? dumbasses?
I have seen players that have been playing since the start of d1, including myself - that are WELL respected [not talking about myself there] - that have made a few medics. Could you even IMAGINE [seing your imagination seems to be low at the moment] the usefullness of a well skilled medic in your party at the beginning of ladder? I've seen people go parties of 8 through ladder till well into the 90's and they all love having a medic by their side. Not to mention its always nice having a character that is loved :heart - even if its not 100% offensive, although usually they arent 100% defensive.
N_Edd said:
MEditation? For hammerdin? Only noobs uses it, there is something called Mana potion if you didnt know,
I've seen paladins attempt getting to 99 in hardcore without potions... only auras and using NPCS. Aside from that - there are well respected hammerdins that effectively integrate meditation.
N_Edd said:
Tesladin/shockers/frostdin = Why make em when you got zealdin?
Its 'zealot' by the way [not too mention all the builds you listed are technically zealots in the first place - you refer to the fanatic zealot]. Holy shock, Holy Freeze, Holy Fire - all used with zealots. I'm glad your mainstream knowledge sees fanaticsm but some other people like to get creative - including those who specialize in zealots. I know some people that have 4-5 zealots. Call them noob all you want [you seem to like calling things noob] - but thats what they do and they make it effective in pvm and even in hell.
Aqua-THF said:
I heard Zealdins weren't good unless you had High-End items. Besides, Tesladins are a lot cooler. You know, cooler, as in more fun to play...
Very true and Very untrue. Mostly true when speaking pvp, Mostly untrue when speaking pvm. You can require no outside help with a pvm zealot and end up fine in hell if you know what you're doing. [As N_Edd already said]
N_Edd said:
Indeed, but zealdin with Fanta is more useful...
Every experienced diablo player knows value of mana potion,
wow, 1-5000 dmg, thats high? since when?
Every experienced diablo paladin also knows the value of defensive auras.
Not to mention, a lvl 40 [can get higher] holy shock with full synergies [standard tesladin material] - NOT including any +%damage from facets comes out to 10,785 max damage. Now you tell me since standard trap damage is somewhere near 10K, is that damage ok? NOT to Mention - its more pvm then pvp. Think of that on a 4fpa zealot hitting you that fast. It's not godly but it Can be descent.
bleh... sorry for the semi to mid level flaming