This may also be Applicable in the other Games universe
But How does 'Holy Magic' work in the WarCraft Universe? In WarCraft II, I was under the impression some Archbishop taught the 'Purest' of Knights Holy Magic to create the Paladins, and their power stems from 'The Holy Light'.
However, in "WarCraft Day of the Dragon", (again written by Richard A. Knaak) the Paladins show the kind of flaws real world men of the cloth are often stereotyped; They are arrogant, prone to prejudice. By WarCraft III we have Uther the Light Bringer who frequently talks AT Arthas, and Arthas himself, who burns an entire city and goes on a mission of vengance.
I was under the impression That a Paladin's power stems from how good and pure they are, or atleast try to be, NOT on How good and Pure One would like to think they are. So while a few might become self righteous fanatics, what ever higher Power gives them their power would immediately widthdraw them.
I'd imagine Arcane magic, (Like the ones practiced by Mages, Sorceresses, Conjurers and the more powerful Naga) would be more prone to corruption. Also the Shammanic Magic of Thralls Orcs, and the Druidic Magic of the Night Elves stem from nature, are both different from the Holy magic, Arcane Magic and Warlock magic, But I wonder if anyone else noticed a closeness between those two disciplines.
But How does 'Holy Magic' work in the WarCraft Universe? In WarCraft II, I was under the impression some Archbishop taught the 'Purest' of Knights Holy Magic to create the Paladins, and their power stems from 'The Holy Light'.
However, in "WarCraft Day of the Dragon", (again written by Richard A. Knaak) the Paladins show the kind of flaws real world men of the cloth are often stereotyped; They are arrogant, prone to prejudice. By WarCraft III we have Uther the Light Bringer who frequently talks AT Arthas, and Arthas himself, who burns an entire city and goes on a mission of vengance.
I was under the impression That a Paladin's power stems from how good and pure they are, or atleast try to be, NOT on How good and Pure One would like to think they are. So while a few might become self righteous fanatics, what ever higher Power gives them their power would immediately widthdraw them.
I'd imagine Arcane magic, (Like the ones practiced by Mages, Sorceresses, Conjurers and the more powerful Naga) would be more prone to corruption. Also the Shammanic Magic of Thralls Orcs, and the Druidic Magic of the Night Elves stem from nature, are both different from the Holy magic, Arcane Magic and Warlock magic, But I wonder if anyone else noticed a closeness between those two disciplines.