When making a pala using 2x dragon + hand of justice for the fire auras, should u put points in holyfire aura + resist fire and salvation too?? dont really know how aura stacking works...
but thats for multiple people [party aura basically] and he's talking about an aura granted by items. also hes talking about auras that dont support the team just himself.BH_Naft said:from my experience with concentration aura's and multiple hammerdins, it only takes the highest lvl aura and uses that. so even if you were wearing all that you'd only get 16 holy fire from the HoJ. I've never played ladder though, so i havent messed around with multiple identical auras from the same char. I can guarantee however that it doesnt add the aura lvls into one super-high lvl aura
yeah, thats the only thing im not sure about. i just cant see a reason why it would be different though, so i would assume it would be the same as party auras. but then again, we all know what happens when we assume, so whatever.TrojanMan said:but thats for multiple people [party aura basically] and he's talking about an aura granted by items. also hes talking about auras that dont support the team just himself.