

Jan 23, 2003
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How many of you paintball? If you do, post any war stories you would like to share.

I do paintball starting today :) and boy do i have a few stories for you...

We played a game of 4v4. 2 guys to the sides and 2 in the middle. The middle 2 were step ins if the guy on their side was eliminated. My sides guy was eliminated and i had to fill in. We played surrender rule btw, but it was ignored a few times. I say this because i sprinted down the right side to right behind where a guy was sniping. he gave up and was eliminated. Once i did this, paintballs flew at me. I shot a few paintballs at the guy that was firing at me. I nailed him right above the goggles. Then, i looked across the field and saw a guy. He noticed me too and fired at me. i returned fire and got another headshot! we won because my team took out my brother by hitting his gun.

Another game, everyone was mad at me and 2 of the other guys on my team. So we did a 3v8 game. The 3(me being one of em X_X) were given 1 resurrect each. We started, i took 1 or 2 out, and then took a shot to the mask(that happend a LOT) anyways, i returned to respawn point and started out again. But by some stroke of luck we had won. Then the team of 8 were each given a resurrect. We were give 1 pod each to give us some sort of chance. I got hit at the same spot as last time a little into the game. Then one of the guys got shot and i covered him. A paintball deflected off of my hand and i thought, WOW THAT WAS CLOSE! but sadly, another shot hit my hand it it broke and i was out.

Alltogether we had played about 10 games. My team won something like 4 of the 10...but hey it was fun, at first i was afraid of being hit, but usually when i do something im afraid of doing i put my all into it even though i do have a tendancy to get rather nervous, but it all worked out and it was a great experiance. i hope to paintball more often. sad thing, its damn expensive, but luckily i know someone that is going to the the team that represents the field so we will get playing price of something like 1/3 of the origional price. its great


[New And Improved!]
Mar 17, 2003
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i have been paintballing .. many times its good clean fun ... this one time i was hiding in a bunker ... and me and 2 other ppl got totally smashed by this guy who snuck up behind us ... damn did we ever get pelted


Jan 23, 2003
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yes i know that feeling! damn, i guess not that many people here paintball....its kinda sad really


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 21, 2002
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i do when i can. been playin for like 5 or 6 years... started with a brass eagle pump gun, now i got a spyder aggressor and a tippmann 98.

too lazy to post any stories... its all the same.. but once in a night battle me and my freind knew the enemies general direction. so i said "ill shoot one shot owards them and listen to them move or retaliate"

i shot one shot and heard a guy come out of the bushes sayin "im out!"

then i do it again. the second guy comes out shot. i felt like i was a hacker with auto aim or something. :] 2 shots 2 kills and i had no idea where they were.


Jul 11, 2003
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meh,i paintball,got the gun/mask/c02 for my birthday , and sadly ive only used it once =/ but i plan on goin paintballin this weekend,gotta do stuff to get my mind off of video games =/

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