The calmness Surrounds,
It's everlasting always there.
When its time to speak you cant.
The air so thick it seems black.
Making u withdraw.
Into your own little shack.
All alone, among your thoughts.
When the boredom is among us,
We all begin to entertain ourselves.
With small images that amuse us.
Make us laugh or smile.
well why cant the blackness.
just be pulled away.
Enlighten our worlds.
Like the warm blanket.
That's pulled off us in the morn'.
The cruelty of that deed
Much like the pain of the void.
When you're all alone.
With only your thoughts.
The shadows of the boredom.
Slowly slips away.
Exposing the world.
To all your view.
Making u hope.
And wait for the.
Next time you'll be.
Engulfed in the shadow again.
To play and volley with yourself.
In the little game we call.
What is “heaven�
Your dreams,
Your perfect world,
Could it be!
It’s a fake,
Just your imagination,
That lil thing that shrouds,
The entire nasty thing in,
A sugar coated topping,
Making them look so sweet,
But once u bite in,
The sourness and bitterness is overwhelming,
Just goes to show looks can be deceiving,
“Heaven†is always not so splendid,
“Heaven†just the word can deceive,
So my words of wisdom,
“Shoot for something better than “heavenâ€
Its goes forward,
Never back,
Always flowing,
Always growing,
Always moving,
No one stopping,
No one halting,
No one can,
Mess with time,
The time will go,
On forever,
Even when,
We are gone,
Time will go,
Keeping up,
To Where it goes,
Keeping that,
Which once was new,
And now are old,
Slowly aging,
Til the sands of time,
For this being,
That’s the end,
While the sand of time,
Keeping flowing on,
Never ending,
Never stopping.
A solemn idea,
A strange or unusual person,
How could it be?
Only some get the label,
Those who don’t try and hide it,
Are the freaks and the ones,
Who truly are freaks,
Can deceive, So well,
That they get a prestige label,
So, as u look around,
Make sure u know truly,
What that person is,
Or one day,
When they drop the veil,
You might be,
A bit shocked,
As u see,
The freak looking back,
In the mirror,
Or face to face,
A brow of sweat collecting,
As your teeth start clenching,
Your Mind a racing,
Trying to think of a way,
To put the freak away,
Never seen,
Never heard,
Like a plank of wood in a house,
Unseen amidst its brothers,
Like a finger of a hand,
Or a snowflake in a field of snow,
You just want the freak to blend,
In along with yourself,
So push your freakish nature,
Behind the different masks,
Every deeper, Ever farther
Til one day, there’s no looking back
(This one was edited from its original version for a school project. It now sounds like a pile of shit now.)
Time Alone
I Cry when I lay alone at night.
The blackness is all that holds me dear.
I have nothing and everything.
I am alone.
Feeling you close, makes me smiles.
When you leave, I fell myself shatter.
Those many pieces float in a void.
I’m so insignificant.
I’m not sure, if ill ever come back.
Like clockwork, you come back.
Your presence makes me reform.
I feel my soul come to life.
I live for you; I am yours.
Now and forever
My words might seem hollow,
But they hold the weight of my soul.
I'm nothing special, I'm just me. I live to live.
When I die, i'm sure I’ll barely be remembered.
My memory will fade and i'll be no more.
Never was, Never will be, never again.
I'd like to be warm, but it seems so cold.
I try to show you how i feel,
All i get back is shit and more shit.
I close my eyes and hope the world will fade.
I open them, just to see everything more clear.
I scream at nite, and almost die.
The pain within, splinters on through me.
Digging and and growing.
hating and mourning.
I wish i could.
Just get over all this guilt.
Your death has struck me.
More than i'd ever think.
The place within your arms, used to warm me.
Now their is no warmth.
Their's not even your embrace.
I'm left here alone.
To the whims of the world.
Times of hurt
Worry building,
Sorrow wasting,
As I watch you,
I look, but don’t touch,
How could i disturb a heart so frail,
I’ve learned watch, and not stray,
I’ll be here; I’ll be here,
To lose you would hurt anew,
The scars of old,
Just seem to be closing in full,
The times of anger,
The times of hurt,
Things we’ve said,
The broken hearts,
The distrust and turmoil,
We always seem to start anew,
Yet looking back,
I always wish, that I could
Save you from,
The tears, the hurt, the anger
But what was said,
were our feelings,
Even if they weren’t meant to hurt,
If I could, I’d take it back,
Yet I know,
We’d be nothing,
Without those times of hurt.
Thin Lines
Those fitful moments before sleep,
That time right when you wake,
Those spans of mental shut down,
The time when nothings said,
These are all moments,
When your names stuck in my head,
I think of you always,
Nothing more can really be said,
The love that’s grown between us,
Seems growth has brought us together,
We’ve changed a lot since we’ve known one another,
Our hearts, our minds, and our tunes,
We sing the song of love,
We dance the dance of friendship,
We walk the path that’s needed,
We do what we must,
The path sometimes pulls at us,
Yanking us from each other,
The pain of not being there,
Slowly succumbs and stops,
Meeting you refreshes them,
Bringing back the life,
The pain of past is gone,
We worry about the present,
Forgetting about what has been done,
I wish I could always be there with you,
Instead Of off where ever,
Destiny seems to toy,
Yanking us like puppets,
Away, Together, apart,
I hate disappointing you,
My goals can be easily said,
I love you I annoy you,
I do what I can,
When my life reches the end,
I hope that I’ll be missed,
Your tears will well up and run,
the sadness will be gone fast,
Knowing that I loved you,
Will bring peace at last,
Time will prove our love,
The sun will set one day,
The shadow casting on us,
Laying as one each day,
We won’t forget the time,
When we were apart,
I know I won’t,
Not having you,
Is tearing me apart.
The whispers in my ear,
The words of love,
I grin and smile,
Your eyes lock mine,
I wonder what you’re thinking,
Those eyes, lock you away,
Keeping what I want,
Behind lock and key
I wish, I could,
Read those subtle gestures,
Sometimes you’re so vague,
Should I touch, or should I not?
I think of you, I want you,
Maybe one day,
We'll get over these,
Lines of communication.
Here you guys go enjoy. All of these are pretty old, back when my life was crap. LoL. Enjoy have fun flaming.