Oh my dear god. I dont even know if I should touch this topic, but screw it. Honestly, I have to ask this question: to those conservatives out there, are you rich, or are your parents rich? By rich, I mean making over $300K combined income per year.
If you are not, then you seriously need to pick up a fricking book and start reading. Dont watch the TV for your information. Foxnews.com is the most biased mass media corporation in this country.
I have read both conservative and liberal books, and my parents are a split between donkeys and elephants, so I think that I put for the effort to make an informed decision.
I have been trying to make this post short enough to make a point and move on, but there is too much.
I work in international affairs, and every single country in the world hates the US. You dont even know that, because you are inundated with reality TV and commercials all day every day. Hmmm, I wonder why the entire rest of the world would hate a country?
Maybe because it is lead by a president who invades other countries with no sound reason, but to promote the interests of his business partners?
Honestly, if you are the product of wealth, I can see why you would like to be a conservative. You have been trained to think that you have worked hard to be rich, and now you should not have to share with the weak.
The purpose of the strong is to help the weak. Saddam sucked, but a United Nations coalition should have made the decision to invade, and then to remove him...
I am sure you will retaliate with the usual conservative concepts and remarks, so I know I am setting myself up for some sort of flame war.
Crap, I dont even know if you will even read this whole post and think about it before you reply.