Orc basics


Nov 29, 2003
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Anyone got any orc basics they would like to share? Heres where to post them heres a few of mine.


-Orc is the only race where you have the opportunity to upgrade you buildings so that they do damage to melee units attacking your buildings, I suggest taking full advantage of this.
-Also orc is the only race that has the ability to burrow, allowing near by peons to go into burrows while acting as a tower. Strong against those early game rushes. Also throwing in a tower or two never hurt anyone, besides your opponent.
-Typically most players have no defenses for their expansion and simply Teleport there or walk. You can also build one Orc Burrow and several Watch Towers to defend an expansion. If you have more than 5 Peons at your expansion build additional Orc Burrows.
-Proper Town Building is very important for Orc players. Burrows need to be placed such that they are easy for the Peons to get to for repairing and for battle stations. The Burrows also need to be able to defend the Orc buildings.
-Sentry Wards last 10 minutes! The Witch Doctor comes with this spell initially, so build one and place Sentry Wards around key locations such as Fountains, enemy towns, enemy mines, key traveling points on the map, and your town, in order to spot invisible units. If you're having trouble with Night Elves using Shadowmeld or Blademasters using Wind Walk, the Sentry Ward is the perfect solution.
-Make sure you get Shamans with Purge to slow down enemy units and Heroes especially
-Build Shamans and research their adept and master training so that you can get Bloodlust. Turn it on and bring several Shamans along with your army.
-Pillage is an excellent way to generate resources while attacking or eliminating enemy towns. Make sure you always research it when using Grunts or Raiders to attack enemy buildings.
-Always get grunts in the beginning then tech to tauren in later game. Trying to fast tech to them isn’t very wise you are left defenseless.
-Catapults are always a good idea, they have low armor and hit points but do some of the most damage in the game. And don’t forget to micro them back if they are being attacked because trust me you need those catapults alive.
-Like catapults, casters are a must in most games. They could mean losing or winning.
-Shamans with their blood lust( increases attack rate of units), and Witch doctors with their healing wards ( heals units in wards area).
-Another important unit is the bat rider. The bat rider is the best orc units to counter air( Unstable Concoclion ) Causes a powerful explosion that deals damage to nearby enemy air units. Also if you are planning to get Batriders do not forget to upgrade Liquid Fire( Flings a volatile liquid that causes buildings to take damage over time, also building under liquid fire cannot be repaired)
-If you are planning on getting taurens you should bring along 1-3 Spirit Walkers for their Ancestral Spirit ( Allows a Spirit Walker to resurrect dead non-Hero Tauren)


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