Open Market Thread Guidelines (Important!)

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Battle God
Jul 16, 2004
Reaction score
In the title of your thread, you are required to specify the following:

What realm you play.
If the items are non-ladder or ladder.
Softcore or Hardcore.

A few examples of what you should do:

[US-West SC Ladder] P Enigma for 4 Sojs!
[Ladder useast soft] 40 pgems for trade
Nonladder us-west oculus price check!
ISO: Archon Enigma Ladder West Realm!
does anyone have coh on Europe nonladder?
A few examples of what you shouldn't do:
i got p chancies for trade!
can i get free nigma?
i got perfect archon fortitude for trade
low arachnids mesh here
whats deaths fathom worth
The way you post threads really can be a deciding factor in how people can best tell you if you're items are worth anything, or how to best understand where you are trading your item, or both. Adding the info above lets people know exactly where you're trading and also allows them to best find the right price for your items based on where you are, I.E.ladder or non, what realm, softcore/hardcore, etc. ^^

Also, you don't have to do it as the examples above stated, just be sure to include the needed info in your thread title so people can best help you. :)

Be sure to include any necessary item info when requesting a price check, such as ED%'s, % to cold damage, + all resistances, + certain stats, that sort of thing. Most of the time, an item's worth depends on how high or low the percentages are on it, such as enhanced damage, defense, or that sort of thing. If you want an accurate price check, post all the items stats exactly as you see them, just to be safe. ^_^

Thank you all for your cooperation. I hope you find what you're looking for in the Open Market. :D
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