Open Bnet Hacking


Aug 2, 2002
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Open Bnet Hacking Part 1

Ok this post will give all the info needed to start a good hacked character on OPEN BNET.
Lets be clear on what open bnet is first. For those who don't know, open bnet is a way you can log onto bnet with ur singleplayer characters, however you will only be able to play with other people on open. To get toopen bnet, go to the Other Multiplayer screen and select Open, you can use the same account you use for regular bnet. Now to the hacking!

Barbarian Stats
1. Strength - Well, that depends on how much damage your weapon does! Tweak your strength until you do about 80K damage. Do NOT exceed 84K..
2. Dex - I use 2147100000 Dex. You should have 550Mil Def when naked, no charms, anything. Ok, but your attack rating is screwed- I use uhh.. 1752% Bonus to attack rating. That's two 491 rings, one 330 amulet, and 200 on each weapon. Your atk rating should be around 13mil..
3. Damage Reduction - I use 510% damage reduction total, all on my armor.
4. Resists/Absorbs - I use 100% Absorb on all elements/magic, and since you can't absorb poison, use 127% poison resist with +31% to max poison resist, and reduce poison length by 100%.
5. Life Steal/Mana Steal: I use 127% TOTAL Life Stolen per hit. I also use the same amount for Mana Stolen per hit.
6. Life/Mana - I use 830K Life, and 830K Mana. Lastly, DO NOT over hack your items. All my equip has like, 400 defense, and less than 5 modifiers on it.
Edit: Oops, 200 AR on weapons, not 220.

Mega Levels
skills are normally best at lvl 20 as for chance to hit make sum charms with 50%to ar 100%ar 200%ar 300% ar until you get a 95% attack rating....
this will not gaurantee you a hit evry strike but it will make you hit lots.....
to make you hit 99% of th' time use a 1+ target defence charm and use with your 95% ar and ull hit bout 99% of the time....

Recommended levels
Making a game was about 5% but joining was about 60 to 70 worst case
I always start new clean character and hack from there test with no equipment if you can join 7 out of 10 it should be ok
initially set all stats to about 500
once you have opened in a game exit and rehack stats mmmm set vitality and energy low very low at 15 or 20

Q:When ever I try to hack my lvl above 99999 the game will crash when I try to load the char in singel player
(I havent tryed joining, or creating) My char is naked when i try this.
A:cant make games above 99999 reliably
I have had no problems joining or hosting games using char levels of up to 3.1 million.
It is NOT the character level or statistics that causes the problems.
It is the combination of items and the level itself, especially items with level-based midifications.
I can get a 4 mill level character up and running very easily, but it would have to have nothing but armor and a weapon, perhaps 4 charms at most.
(For some strange reason high levels and numerous lines of edits with "attack rating per level" and "bonus to attack rating" are seriously bugged.)
Defense per level and enhanced defense per level have not been problematic for me.
A few tips.
Avoid use anything socketed and gemmed with char levels above 1 million.
Likewise, don't use more than 12-16 charms with char levels over 1 mill.
Some REALLY REALLY bad things to do are
[1] using items with more than 6 sockets (for large) or 3 sockets (for small) on a high level
[2] using vit, str, dex, vit, or nrg per high level <--- I keep freezing using these
[3] using these specific lightning spells with more than 20 skill points with or against a high level of 1 mill or more: shock web, lightning trap, thunderstorm, chain lightning <-- It may just be me.
I have not isolated the problem completely, but these spells just don't agree with my chars and other high levelers I've duelled.
Oh, one last important thing.
PLEASE!!! If you're using an energy shield plus % damage to mana, and are going to duel someone with a high level -- and your mana is fairly high, just DON'T duel. Lol!
Now you know why you keep dropping when you get hit =P. Drop damage to mana to no more than 53% and your mana level to no more than 6 mill.

Strategies against Mega Levels
If you summon a monster (or hireling), the game will crash, cause mega levels can't hit anthing but other players.
Get yourself a good shield and "dodging" skill and good dam red % and life steal.
That will buy you some time against hi lvls.
Try different Attack Ratings within 95% -- Anything from 1 mil to 21 mil.
keep the +1 taget def charm with u. Try also soketing 1-4 Eth runes in ur weapon.
From my experience i have seen Hammers hit more than sords (for some reason) but i like sords more!!
Yes, masked players (99) kill u in 1-3 hits. It is real cheap if they do not admit they r masked.
u'll find some masked players who try to own u and not utter a word in games.
U either get urself a masked char and kill them or leave the game or Just throw a summoned creater at them. that will do the trick of crashing their world (if ur really upset with them).
Super Speed (SS)
Everyone is doing it now. So u may as well join the club.
Remove all of ur +%walk/run speed.
Add exactly -180 %walk/run speed to ur items or charms
(u can add -20 max on each item, so u need 9*-20 for -180, u can multiply with jewels)
Enjoy ur SS also set defence on armour to zero if using negative speeds

One Hit Kills
one hit kills are usually highlvl players never been 1 hit killed by a reg 99 unless useing a mod
but to do it you just use crushing blow open wounds or poison and it should give one hit kill if your a high lvl char wont work for reg 99
a max of 500% across all items for DS CB and OW should be more than sufficient

I know DS, CB, and OW is something we all use but i'm gonna paste some stuff that everyone should know.
Blocking always works against physical attacks. For example, 75% Blocking will indeed stop 75% of attacks from hitting, regardless of whether you are attacking, running, standing, or whatnot.
Think of it as "resist physical." The block animation will only play when you are being hit by ranged attacks and if you are not doing anything else.
What is the definition of a Deadly Strike?
This is a chance of doing double damage. This bonus is applied after skills such as Critical Strike and any other damage bonuses.
If you have Critical Strike and Deadly Strike, you can do up to 4x damage in a single hit!
What is the definition of Open Wounds?
This is a chance of making a monster bleed uncontrollably. Monsters with open wounds lose health continuously while bleeding.
What is the definition of a Crushing Blow?
This is a chance of reducing a monster's health by 50% in a single blow.
Why do some of the Uniques have Ignore Target's Defense and Attack Rating?
Ignore Target's Defense doesn't work in PvP and against Bosses and possibly Uniques. In those situations the Attack Rating bonuses will come in handy.

These were taken off the Arreat Summit FAQ's pages, and provide some very useful tips.
As shown, Ignore Target's Defense, Open WOunds, and Crushing Blow only work against monsters. So if your needing more space on your items you can forget OW, CB, and ITD when dueling.

ok use max elemental damage based on character level on your weapon.
and max poison damage based on character level. and put your damage in the millions say around 2 million or so.

Invincible Golem
Use battle noels, swordguard, or boneweave armor
to make an immune to all golem put the following on a piece of armor and upload it into your character (have the iron golem skill/charms) and:
100% resist fire
100% resist magic
100% resist poison
100% resist lightning
100% resist cold
100% damage reduce
it also might be a good idea to socket the armor (as many as you can) and add as much damage and poison damage as you can... also, add attack rating and stuff for the most effective golem that's what you'd use...
And if you want the golem to look like he is almost invisible. Then Create the golem from a ethereal item
Leech Block
Well after lots of research Unborn[HBI] found that it has nothing to do with damages. It all depends on 3 things. leech% dr% and class (important: missiles attacks leech like bows cannot be stopped since they are viewed as magic attacks with physical damages by the game). Here is a little list on how to easily stop some one from leeching (knowing your enemy is the key here )

Low dr and leech barbs: use from 50% to a max of 57% dr to stop them from leeching, what ever their weapon(s) is(are) it will stop em.
High dr and leech barbs: from 25% to a max of 32% dr
Low dr and leech pallies: from 80% to a max of 87% dr
High dr and leech pallies: from 40% to a max of 47% dr
Low dr and leech assies: from 100% to a max of 107% dr
High dr and leech assies from 50% to a max of 57% dr
Low dr necros, druids and sorcs: exactly 115% dr
High dr and leech necros, druids and sorcs: not sure but if i remember well then its around 75% dr
Low dr and leech javazons: 14% to a max of 21% dr
High dr and leech javazons: 7% to 12% dr

bowzons and all others bow users cant be stopped

There is an other way to stop leech instantly for an amount of time (depending on skill level).
Pallies: Use combo of thorn and smite.
Barbs: Use combo of war cry and bash.
Necros: use combo of iron maiden and poison nova(if your lucky and fight a non immune to poison enemy).
Sorcs and druids: Still not found.
Zons: there is no other way then dr%.
Java Sorceress
str. 982 mill
dex. 1,080,000,000
of course adjust ar to suite your needs...
jab charms: make a skill fuzziers
skill charge one : 0/0 jab
skill charge two : 255/0 jab
that will give ya the unending jab
damage around 80 k
try around 830000 mana. and around 1500% dmg taken goes to mana
I use a melee sorc, and her stats aren't that far from zon stats, and they work pretty good for her. Oh, and massive DR% would be another helpful hint too.
use jab, a sheild, and skills like dodge, avoid and evade
nova field is the best for killing zons

100% block shield??
i started with 45% block shield. After reading something about making colors in armor by socketing a jewel first it retains that color. So for a shield that blocks 98% so i can attack (it works) i made 2 jewels. a 63%, and 34% ICB. 63%of 45% is 28.35, so its 73.35 CB. so take 34% of that is 24.94. add to 73.35 and u got 98.29% chance to block. i tested w/ no def in 8 player hell took 1 in 20, took off and got 8 of 10 hits on me. trick is to add 63% 1st then 34%. hope it helps.
well i started with a 45 ctb shield and added 2 jewels one with 63 ctb and one with 29 ctb put the 63 ctb jewel in first and it should work fine all if you are a pali and you use holy shield with that shield with the jewels it prob messes the ctb stat

See part 2 now


Aug 2, 2002
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Open Bnet Hacking Part 2

Bowazon Damage
For a bow zon here are good figures for bow dmg :
1/ from 12k to 20k ;
2/ from 71k to 75k ;
3/ from 120k to 140k.
Had a lot of poison dmg and u will kill in one or two hits.

Javazon Stats
Strength - 2013200000
Dexterity - 2147196024
Vitality - 500
Energy - 500
Life: 830,000
Mana: 800,000
Stamina: 20,000
Defense - 600 Million +
Attack Rating - 15.3 million
Damage Reduce - around 5000%
Leech - around 2000% stolen per hit.
All Resistances at 95%
Damage 70 mil, only 1 point between min and max
use a +1 TD Charm
Use conviction and iron maiden in a duel
dont overhack your java, add poison dmg to it, use d2ice, worked the best for me.
Chance to block - 75%
Your probably gonna need to use quite a few + % to attack rating charms.
8 charms with 255 % Dmg Red and 127 % life and mana leech.

Barbarian Stats
Damaga= 75,000 to 80,000 on stats
Strength= a value that adds up to weapon damage to give u the stat damage above
Dexterity= 2,147,100,000 or close
Health= 830,000
Mana= 500,000
Stamina, Vitality and Energy= 500
Leech= Total of 127%, split in three, 42% on two rings, and 43% on amulet.
Damage Reduce%= 1000%, or 255% on four charms.
Skills= level 20
Ignore Target Defense= 1%TD or a bit higher
Sheild= When not using Frenzy .. use a Sheild and Concentrate (anti-knokback) or Zeal (fast multiple hits)

heres what you do for a 2bil barb.
one damage doesnt matter. get it in the millions if you want.
two use max elemental damage to your weapon.
three add crushing blow bocl.
4 get your ar in the negatives. yes negatives around -16 mill if possible and use a 5% td charm.

Assassin Stats
Str 500
Dex 2147255000
Life 830,000
Mana 830,000
Dam Claw attack 15.9 mill
Bam Talon 700mill
Life steal 2600%
Dam red High 3000% low 1% adjust as nessessary

Str 500
Dex 50000
Life 830000
Mana 830000
Dam Claw attack various good ranges from 30k to 120k
Talon Kick 90k to 120k
Life Steal 1800%
Dam red High 3000% low 1% adjust as nessessary
All attack ratings 20 to 21mill 95%
One trick i use is to build all the Dam red into one set of weapons cartry a charm of 1% and no dam red on the other set this enables you to swap between high and low dam red quickly

Paladin Stats
415000 str
2147195904 dex
500 vit
500 energy
32000 mana
830000 health
20000 stamina
10000%-16000% damage reduced by
3000%-4000% damage taken goes to mana
2000%-9000% mana and life steal should prove effective on high lvls and very effective on low lvls

Java/ Bow Zon Stats:

hp-800k or 790k
Dr- good at 2040 at life 790k .

Damage for bow must b 12k-28k
Java zon damage-28k-43k
17 mill for good attack rating.
On amazon your dex affects your damage as well as your strength so that means if your aiming for damage between 1000-100 000, then u can forget about 2.1 billion dex plus u dont need such high dex when u have passive skills.

If you are using a javazon. i use around 75 000-85 000 damage. And for life leach u can use a very famous combo of 42% 42% 43% that works fairly good but i use something a bit higher.

As for 1-2 Damage. even if it says that, you will still be doing a fair amount of damage but i wouldnt keep it like that. Means your damage overlapped. It's like your dex. if you raise it to 2.2 billion your defense starts going negative. But it still works perfectly just overlapped and instead of when u raise ur dex and your defense goes up it starts going down when u raise ur dex.

Anyways who needs damage in the millions. your damage already starts to overlap on most classes when u reach 100 000 im pretty sure.
ok.... here are my stats that i use on my bow zon. these stats are meant to only use guided arrows. these stats work very well for me.
str. 2,147,483,645
dex. 2,147,483,647
vit. 500
engy. 500
life. 830,000
mana. 700,000

you should have absorb amulet and rings resist all, resist poison max resist poison, and poison length reduced by. for a fast character all the the attributes below should equal a total of -180. -180 attackspeed, -180 faster run/walk, -180 faster hit recovery, -180 faster blockrate, and -180 faster castrate. oh and the damage overlaps three times which is very good so don't worry about it.
For javazon... strength is the biggest influence on damage. depends on your base damage, but I get good damage with javelin at 2,126,300,000 strength.
"...up to about 75 thousand damage... don't over do it...if you can get a 1-2 damage that really does like 100 thou to 200 thou get that, my zon has it, very nice... "
The best damage of java zon is 72-73k n using 156% life steal and having all item defense to 1 and having 510 DR.
stats first
Have life leech like around 1500-2000 they work well on zons. And use d2edit for stats hacking. Items to use r up to u. Well to me i use ultimate items. I also experiment stuff like prevent leech, kb, etc.
use guided arrow so u dont need attack rating... Defense i use dex of 1074000000 and my defense is above 1 bill.

Assasin Stats

The best attack rating for assassin (Dragon Claw) is 17mill......
and try to make charm w/ 100% attack rating.
And 1 target defense ring (2 of them equip for good Rating)
And to adjust talon kick to 690mill, the dex should b at 2122000000 and adjust ur attack rating...
There are two types of assassins: defense assasin uses High damage red 2000% or more, and High dex. This type of assassin level for level is almost impossible to kill...However they will leech you like crazy so your damage has to be spot o.n

Then there are damage assassins uses low damage reduce about 30 -60 % on armour and add in 10% increases on charms up to 127% damage red .
High dex assassin damage is ok at 690mill talon dont exceed 700mill aim for around 14 to 16 mill claw attack

Barbarian Stats

Damaga = 75,000 to 80,000 on stats
Strength = a value that adds up to weapon damage to give u the stat damage above
Dexterity = 2,147,100,000 or close
Health = 830,000
Mana = 500,000
Stamina, Vitality and Energy = 500
Leech = Total of 127%, split in three, 42% on two rings, and 43% on amulet.
Damage Reduce % = 1000%, or 255% on four charms.
Skills = level 20
Ignore Target Defense = 1%TD or a bit higher
Sheild = When not using Frenzy .. use a Sheild and Concentrate (anti-knockbak) or Zeal (fast multiple hits)
1. Strength - Well, that depends on how much damage your weapon does! Tweak your strength until you do about 80K damage. Do NOT exceed 84K..
2. Dex - I use 2147100000 Dex. You should have 550Mil Def when naked, no charms, anything. Ok, but your attack rating is screwed- I use uhh.. 1752% Bonus to attack rating. That's two 491 rings, one 330 amulet, and 200 on each weapon. Your atk rating should be around 13mil..
3. Damage Reduction - I use 510% damage reduction total, all on my armor.
4. Resists/Absorbs - I use 100% Absorb on all elements/magic, and since you can't absorb poison, use 127% poison resist with +31% to max poison resist, and reduce poison length by 100%.
5. Life Steal/Mana Steal: I use 127% TOTAL Life Stolen per hit. I also use the same amount for Mana Stolen per hit.
6. Life/Mana - I use 830K Life, and 830K Mana.
Lastly, DO NOT over hack your items. All my equip has like, 400 defense, and less than 5 modifiers on it.
I use Double Swing as my main attack when using dual maces, and I use Stun as my main attack when using Mace/Shield. (Damn Zon's.. make me pull out my shield) and Whirlwind is always my right skill. (I know, "Why not Frenzy?" or "Why not concentrate?" Because - Frenzy adds too much AR. and Concentrate adds too much defense, which makes my defense go lower.)
ok to kick-start this .. barbarian are awesome melee fighters .. they are a bit tuffer to hack .. but if u get it write u can be more than a match for most players. all u need is:

Paladin Stats
1074000000 or try 1074100000; make some +% to attack charms .. chose your one or two best skills and adjust to them

Necromancer Stats
For a necro u should have around 1500-2500 DR%. Use multiple 255 dmg red% charms

Infinite Arrows
Shadow Hunter's steps to make infinite arrows(in Fuzzier's):
1-Select the arrows from item tree
2-Set quiver quantity to 511
3-Make the arrows Throwable (it's an attribute)
You can socket the arrows with 1 socket if you want
Nothing more

Unbeatable Barb
the hint i give out for the barb trick is 1 sassy skill, 1 barb skill, and 1 necro skill.

Damage Reduced by %
General code for it is 24FE.
Create a new charm by typing the following
4A4D 1000 8000 6400 2A32 D616 0302 07F5 80A8 C000 24FE FFFF
Make a regular item open, add to it in Jam Dam Red by ##, then open in Hex prog,
Replace the 4 values before the last two with 24FE, so u have ... 24FE##.
Then save and u got DAM RED%.
Or if u look carefully at Dam Red by ##, ull see it is 22FE,
u can just replace 22 with 24. after all Dam REd % is a rarely used property in D2 (its on a rune).

About dam red %. Just take a normal item (charm) from Jam's database,
make it superior add to it "damage reduced by 63", save file.
open hexworkshop, open saved file. ull see at the ends of the codes 22FE ####.
just change 22 to 24 and save. reopen file in Jam and ull have Dam red %.
Then add on top of the DR% watever properties u want.

Assassin u need like 255%-500% damage reduce good at 8.3mill or 830k hp.
Zon-u need a lot of rred damage like 3000-4000%(I use 3800% for bow zon only n 255% for java zon)
Paladin- u need more than 1000% damage reduce no more than 1500%.
To u need good life leech like 127 on each melee weapon.
barb- barb is melee dueler n u need 500% or more not exceding 1000% n good for 8.3mill hp(i dunno for 830k hp)
And u also need good life leech for 830k hp u could use 889% life leech per weapon n work well with 830k hp.
it steals about 2 letter per hit.....May not work for you but i work great for me...
I've dueled alot of people and all sorts of dmg reduce and it seems to do nothin i allways do the same amout of dmg the only thing i see that makes a it change is your life if u have a different life and u have the right amount of reduce for your life u can almost take no dmg its a combo of the 2 i think that the dmg reduce is reduced based on your life not on the attackers dmg. but this is just what i think no one has to belive me for all my testin is done on a necro and most wouldnt know anythin bout that.
Right...damage reduce works only with a good life....
I find that 510% Dmg Red works best for Barbs. And 127% leech seems to work best for me.. But It may be because I'm using a special life, that no one else uses. (Its not 800K, 830K, 8MIL, 8.3MIL, or 1.33MIL ) Let's just say, its under 6mil.
When dueling zons 510 dr is good. It is also good against some of the high dr assassins out there. If they are low then use lower dr. plus I use 107 life steal

Level Mask
use ericjwin's editor
type in 983139 but hidden levl is bad you fool no one anymore better to put 999999
1310819 =20 * 65536 + 99
983139 =15 * 65536 + 99
655459 =10 * 65536 + 99
Pick a number, any number... multiply by 65536 and add 99, voila! masked 99!
Pick a number, any number... multiply by 65536 and add 13, voila! masked 13!
Pick a number, any number... multiply by 65536 and add 255, voila! masked 255!
First you have to decide what level you want to pretend you are (mask) That is the pick a number, any number part...
If you want to pretend you're a level 99, then Pick a number, any number... multiply by 65536 and add 99, voila! masked 99!
If you want to pretend you're a level 13, then Pick a number, any number... multiply by 65536 and add 13, voila! masked 13!
Let's say your favourite number is 7... then 7 * 65536 is 458752...
So if you want to mask as a 13 you could set your level at 458752 + 13 = 458765...
if you want to mask as a 99 you could set your level at 458752 + 99 = 458851...

thats all for now folks!


New Member
Oct 2, 2002
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i got a question: how do u make white armor w/ normal d2? i tried the jamella/shadowmaster way, but shadowmaster doesnt support non-expansion. if u could plz tell me what 2 do, then i thank u.


Retired Staff
Aug 16, 2002
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Why isnt this stickied anymore =( and makeing nOOb whites is EZ just go to and go to the link with d/ls should explain lots of skit u need to know


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