Not to be picky, but I think the "Event" should be Map Initialization and the "Actions" should be repeated to keep with the WE nomenclature, but the concept remains the same.
Variables are pretty basic stuff. Most current compiled languages, like C I believe, require you to declare your variables prior to using them. The last thing I programmed that didn't was BASIC on the Apple ][ (called Applesoft if I can remember back 20+ years) and 6502 assembler. Even in the assembler, we often informally "declared" the variables by assigning memory locations to specifc uses (character X position at $300 hex, Character Y position at $301H, Character shape number at $302 hex, etc.) and "setting" these defaults during the loading process. But, I date myself and bore you all born after 1985 . . .
In any event, if you are having trouble on variables, I strongly suggest you Google some tutorials and spend 30 minutes reading about them. After integers, floating points (reals), and strings, you can read about arrays. There's also longs, shorts, unsigneds, doubles, etc. Once you have a good understanding of these, the extensions to the WE specific types ("unit" or "unit group") should be easy. Not only will Your WC3 maps improve, but you'll gain knowledge that any future computer use (programming or just simple spreadsheeting) will require.
Just my $.02.