Official Glitch Thread


BattleForums Senior Member
May 18, 2003
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Sword Sniping

primay weapon: Rocket launcher
Secondary weapon: Sword

Empy all your rockets into the abiss, then target a player with your rocket launcher. Once it is red, use your left hand to press Y and your right to pull the trigger. This will be faster than using 1 hand.
Okay, now at the same time pull the trigger and press Y. Do this over and over until your lunge at the targeted play with your sword.

Dead Body in the sky

make sure there is a Wraith on Burial Mounds.

Have a player stand next to the burning pillar with his back ramming into it. He should be facing right of the base (not directly, but more towards the rocks.
Have the wraith be facing that player.
Now when the wraith is in position you use the wraith boost and try and ram the player into the pull. If all works right, the player should disappear and seconds later there will be a huge body in they sky!!

Flag through wall

This can be performed on almost any level, you just have to find the right places. You can throw the flag near a wall and grab it on the other side. There are very useful practices for this.

for example:
On coagulation, if you get under the base, you can jump on top of the banshee and grab the flag right from underneith.

On ivory tower, if the flag goes in the stream in the middle. You can have a player duck and you can jump on thier head and grab the flag from undernieth as well.
Flag bouncing

On colosus, take the enemy's flag. Now on the edge there should be a little cutout you can jump off of (2nd highest place you can stand near the middle).
Jump on that and aim your flag towards the hole between the two protrusions on the opposite side. (hard to explain sorry).

What your trying to do: Throw the flag so it hits the 2nd tread on the ground and bounce it over. It takes tons of practice, but if you can master it, wholly shit it works good.


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Feb 26, 2004
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Sword Jump:
Primary weapon: Energy Sword.
Have someone get on top of you and have them keep jumping press X and B at the same time looking up at them and you will start to climb up the wall.


Jan 7, 2003
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i found out almost all of these on my own so i know they work[


when in the passanger seat of the hog, if you punch a banshee while in the hog and get out you will fly to the banshee no matter how far away it is.

on top of zanzibar(multiple ways)

main building: you can jump on top of the awnings on the building then grenade jump up top

camo tower:jump on small ledge on fan next to the tower and jump over onto the tower or if you cant jump it you can plasma jump it.

mountain top: you need 2 people for this and the swords as a main weapon. make sure that you have the spectre and drive over to the side with 3 plasmas and the open way into the building(if you are looking at the building, its the far right by the camo tower) and go through the rocks. its easy just boost you way through and get on top of the ledge with the 3 nades. point your nose towards the mountain and start to drive up it. steer a little to the right and you will drive right up the moutain.

now, to get the other person up there you can either sword snipe or turn the spectre just over the edge that you climbed so that he/she can jump in and drive back up.

now that both are up , have one back up into the corner of the wall(we will call him 7) and the invisible wall on the mountain and have the other person(5) turbo at him. when person 5 turbos at the person backing into the wall have 7 jump and it should boost him over the invisible wall and your over. sounds like a lot but its easy once you try it.

on top of fan: get on top of the thing that is standing up by the sword(the thing that when you shoot it it falls.) ride the wheel up on top and plasma up there and your up.

headlong (Many ways): awesome sniping spots. take the banshee over to the water and go left. there should be a slanted wall. drive up slow and tilt your wing towards teh invisible wall so that your wing goes through first then drive up. you can get all around that back part around there and its a great place to snipe. if you have 2 people you can sword snipe to all kinds of places up there.

wraith trick: Make sure to have the wraith and overshields on get into the wraith and have someone stand to the right of the tower witht the brute shot( the little way in between that building and the place with the banshee behind it and the rocket launcher on top). there should be little wall things there and if you look at go all the way to the and of those little things and have someone stand inbetwwen the last one and the one next to it. there should be plenty of room. stand about in the middle so that you dont hit the wall above you. stand there and have the guy in the wriath turbo you and jump right when he hits you. if you do it right ir should launch you way up in the air on top of the building. if you steer it right you can land on the huge uilding and walk around back there above the bilboard with the yellow warthog. if you dont do it right it could launch you to the right and on top of another building.

lockout sniper tower: get some plasmas and stand on the small ledge next to the sniper and nade jump up to the little thing sticking out right above you. from there nade jump up on top of the tower.

blue tower: you can sword snipe on top of the very big tower with the blue jumper thing.

ON top:roll one of those canisters into the room with the fan on the left side. push it right in front of it and use the battle rifle(or any gun that blows them up in 1 hit) and jump up into the fan window thing. now nade jump up to the area above that and jump up out and you can walk all around the level. you can get to the middle but i havent tried it yet.

Burial mounds:
Stairway to heaven: get the wriath and go over the the far left corner of the map( the corner where the rocket launcher is) and start to drive up the hill. ahve someone stand on top of your nose and push them on top of the little hill. dont go all teh way into the corner but go so that your a little to the right of the sun. have the person walk backwards at the invisible wall and turbo at them to push them through the wall. now once in the wall, go to teh far left corner and there is a little mountian peice you can jump up onto. once up there walk all the way to the other end of the level where that big huge dish thing is that goes into the sky. to your left, right before you touch the dish thing, is a little thing coming from the ground. jump at it and you can wall in the air on nothing. you can walk amost around the whole level and it goes up pretty high.
TiP if you want 2 people up there, put overshields on and swords. have the person(thats in the glitch part) stop right above the sniper rifle. have the other person stnad back by the turret and sword snipe at him. the other guy on the mountain should be by a crack in teh wall and the other guy will have to sword snipe into that so kinda step in it and when he comes at you move so he will fall in and climb up.

k thats all i got for now ill add more when i have time i hope it helps any questions just ask

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