If you arent quite sure on how you should level your chars, this little guide may help with your leveling difficulties.
The areas that you should look to level in, and at what levels, are as follows:
Tristrum: 1-14/15(whichever you prefer)
Tal Rasha's Tomb(s): 14/15-20
Normal cows: 20-24
Normal Ancients: 24-25
Normal Baal runs: 25-40
Nightmare Baal runs: 40-60
Hell Baal runs: 60+
If you have trouble with anything, seek advice from one of the many Members that frequently post in the Diablo Forums.
The areas that you should look to level in, and at what levels, are as follows:
Tristrum: 1-14/15(whichever you prefer)
Tal Rasha's Tomb(s): 14/15-20
Normal cows: 20-24
Normal Ancients: 24-25
Normal Baal runs: 25-40
Nightmare Baal runs: 40-60
Hell Baal runs: 60+
If you have trouble with anything, seek advice from one of the many Members that frequently post in the Diablo Forums.