North Korea Threatens WAR


Jan 10, 2003
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N.Korea Sees UN Sanctions as 'Declaration of War'

By Irwin Arieff

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - North Korea (news - web sites) on Friday warned the Security Council against punishing it with sanctions for pulling out of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, saying it would view this as a declaration of war.

Pyongyang's U.N. envoy, Ambassador Pak Gil Yon, also told reporters the United States had shown a lack of sincerity in offering to hold talks on his country's nuclear program without being willing to engage in full negotiations.

"The United States now says that we may talk to you (about) how to comply with the international obligations but we will not negotiate with you. I think this is not a sincere attitude of negotiators," he said.

Pak called a rare news conference at U.N. headquarters after formally informing the Security Council that the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea was immediately pulling out of the nonproliferation pact, aimed at checking the global spread of nuclear arms.

Pyongyang has also recently ejected inspectors from the Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency, the U.N. nuclear watchdog agency, and shut down U.N. surveillance cameras at its Yongbyon nuclear facilities, which are capable of producing weapons-grade plutonium for making nuclear bombs.

U.N Secretary-General Kofi Annan (news - web sites) regretted the decision to withdraw from the pact and strongly urged Pyongyang to reconsider, a spokesman said.

Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin of France, which chairs the Security Council this month, had said earlier on Friday in Shanghai: "The U.N. Security Council will have to address this new development.

"Our goal is clear. We have to make sure that North Korea will comply with its nonproliferation commitments," he said.

But in Washington, Secretary of State Colin Powell (news - web sites) and Mohamed ElBaradei, the IAEA director-general, signaled they were in no hurry for the council to take up the matter.

"It will ultimately have to go to the Security Council. When and through what process and what one would ask the Security Council to do at that time remains to be determined," Powell told reporters after talks with ElBaradei.

Council members generally agreed, saying the 15-nation group should take up the matter, but not for some weeks.

"I think the IAEA is dealing with it. and the IAEA should continue," Russian Ambassador Sergei Lavrov told reporters.

Pak told reporters: "We consider even now any kind of economic sanctions to be taken by the Security Council of the United Nations (news - web sites) against the DPRK as a declaration of war."

However, asked how North Korea would respond to such an action, he said this "will depend on the circumstances."

"I cannot predict anything," he said.

Asked if North Korea was on heightened alert for possible military action, he said the Korean peninsula was peaceful at this time and his country had always maintained that the nuclear issue "should be resolved through negotiations by peaceful means by the DPRK and the United States."

Pak rejected negotiating with the IAEA, the global agency in charge of monitoring the Non-Proliferation Treaty, which he dismissed as "a tool" of the U.S. government.

He said Pyongyang would use its nuclear program only to generate electricity.

But if there were to be a plan for verifying this, that now would have to be worked out in bilateral talks with the United States rather than through the IAEA, he said.

Pak dismissed a concern that treaty rules required 60 days' notice before a country could withdraw, saying Pyongyang had initially signaled it was pulling out back in 1993.

"From tomorrow -- immediately -- our withdrawal will be enforced," he said.


Dec 7, 2002
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North Korea can go get screwed. They have nearly no ability to launch these bombs. If they declare war on us, then they will most surely lose, nuclear weapons or not. The country is desperate for money and power, and they can handle neither. South Korea will have to decide that they must take this mantle because in a war it will their civilians that die from any nuclear attacks. The U.S. has the ability to crush N. Korea's attempts at proliferation and must continue to be vigilant. However, it is my firm belief that not even the N. Korean regime would be so aloof as to declare war, because no matter what they would lose both their power and their lives. One nuclear bomb does not make one a superpower, only a nuissance. The U.S. should sidestep war with N. Korea at any turn, because in even with a U.S. military victory, the post-war occupation that would be necessary would be horrible without significant South Korean and Japanese assistance. Let us be stern with N. Korea and not show fear, because that is what they are looking for.


Grumpy Old Grandpa
Dec 28, 2002
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Originally posted by punk rock yam
iraq was called the AXIS OF EVIL BY BUSH HIMSELF! o_O
not only Iraq... For who dont know, the Axis was the name of the alliance made by Germany, Italy and Japan in WWII

nowadays, Bush called the Axis of Evil (what an originality :p) to Iraq, Iran and North Korea


Premium Member
Oct 2, 2002
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In da ghettos somewhere
lol, im happy korea wants Bush dead for 2 reasons.

1. Is that the only thing the U.S does it gets in the way of affairs between countries that dont concern them, and they bully every other country around like they own the place

2. ppl (*cough* America mainly *cough*) seem to be very sterieotypical about asians, im happy thier proving us wrong


Dec 7, 2002
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On behalf of Americans, if i may be so bold, have a great deal of respect for the japanese and koreans, as they shown themselves to be hard-working and intelligent. If this is a stereotype, then I would like to stereotyped more often. This nation bled for the freedom of South Korea and for the Chinese, I think there is a great deal of respect that should given to the U.S. as well. Korea is attempting to create an incident and they will be successful, unfortunately the blood of their civilians may paint Pyongyang red.


Premium Member
Oct 2, 2002
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In da ghettos somewhere
Originally posted by Apherius
On behalf of Americans, if i may be so bold, have a great deal of respect for the japanese and koreans, as they shown themselves to be hard-working and intelligent. If this is a stereotype, then I would like to stereotyped more often. This nation bled for the freedom of South Korea and for the Chinese, I think there is a great deal of respect that should given to the U.S. as well. Korea is attempting to create an incident and they will be successful, unfortunately the blood of their civilians may paint Pyongyang red.
Actually Apherius, i wish more Americans would be like you, your open-minded. If you havnt noticed, most americans view Azns as noodle eating, fish selling, slit eyed foreigners who all live in "chinatowns" and whos names start with Pong or Chan.

Lol, now im being steriotypical of Americans, but in a way i have to be to get my point across


Premium Member
Oct 2, 2002
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In da ghettos somewhere
Also, if you would watch more documentaires now and then, you'd see that the Americans were not as friendly and neighborly as you woudlve hoped. On some history show about the Korean war i watched, records show that while there, the Americans raped, tortured, shot, ect many of the civilians that were there, no matter which Korea they came from.


Premium Member
Nov 9, 2002
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Iraq have no nuclear weapons and these shits he just wants to control the oil there then go in saudi arabia and conquer it, with out saudi arabia most arab countries in the middle east shall fall, bahrain, uae, oman and that gay lord the prince of qatar is giving america the right to using there base to hit iraq. iraq isnt the the AXIS OF EVIL sadam is so if sadam shall fall and the new government should be formed by IRAQI CITZENS NOT ASSIGNED BY BUSH (i am not iraqi lol)


Dec 7, 2002
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Originally posted by dem0n
Iraq have no nuclear weapons and these shits he just wants to control the oil there then go in saudi arabia and conquer it, with out saudi arabia most arab countries in the middle east shall fall, bahrain, uae, oman and that gay lord the prince of qatar is giving america the right to using there base to hit iraq. iraq isnt the the AXIS OF EVIL sadam is so if sadam shall fall and the new government should be formed by IRAQI CITZENS NOT ASSIGNED BY BUSH (i am not iraqi lol)

Okay Demon, i respect your perspective, and admit its the perspective of a great many people who cannot see beyond the oil aspect of the possible war with Iraq. Since 1991, the Russian government has been unable to deny that many of their nuclear arsenal in the Ukraine and Kazakstan have gone uncounted. Coupled with the economic collapse and systemic corruption of the Russian government has made it very possible that a nuke or nuclear material could have escaped and made its way to Iran, Libya, and Iraq.
Also, during the inspections that began in 1991 and ended in 1998, Inspectors found millions of pounds of sarin and Vx nerve gas agents which are now mysteriously missing.
Iraq has declared a "holy war" with the West and I do not believe that this country is not susceptible to another terroist attack. I put nothing past Saddam and the destruction of his government and democratization of Iraq would have positive effects for both the people of Iraq and the people of this nation from which a terroist threat, or a least a threatening nation would have been removed.
As the "gay" prince of qatar, he has no faith that the Iraqis would not attempt, if they gained more strength and arms, to invade kuwait, which WAS over oil, and also qatar. The end of the iraqi regime would be a sigh of relief for the entire region. I think that is a sufficient response.


Nov 19, 2002
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Canada, Montreal
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Originally posted by Apherius
North Korea can go get screwed. They have nearly no ability to launch these bombs. If they declare war on us, then they will most surely lose, nuclear weapons or not. The country is desperate for money and power, and they can handle neither. South Korea will have to decide that they must take this mantle because in a war it will their civilians that die from any nuclear attacks. The U.S. has the ability to crush N. Korea's attempts at proliferation and must continue to be vigilant. However, it is my firm belief that not even the N. Korean regime would be so aloof as to declare war, because no matter what they would lose both their power and their lives. One nuclear bomb does not make one a superpower, only a nuissance. The U.S. should sidestep war with N. Korea at any turn, because in even with a U.S. military victory, the post-war occupation that would be necessary would be horrible without significant South Korean and Japanese assistance. Let us be stern with N. Korea and not show fear, because that is what they are looking for.
Im not saying that U.S are weak but do you remeber how many soldier U.S lost agaisnt Viet Cong Japaneese and N.Korea?
Remember when P.Bush came to South Korea and he tried to communicated with North but they rejected him. If there is war it would be a LONG WAR ...


Jan 10, 2003
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I'm from Iowa I only work in outer space.
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Originally posted by wkdentns
if they nuke to South Korea my country in half dead... U.S better do something
Despite your grammer (no offense) I think I know what you mean. If NK does nuke SK, not only will the U.S. react, but the U.N. Besides, a little country like NK sudenly developing nukes, doesn't that tell you something?

As for the U.S. in other peoples business. I think that we should mind our own and stop going into others.


Nov 19, 2002
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Canada, Montreal
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Then who will help the country that might be half dead???
I know U.S got enough problem but they are the one who started saying to spot making Nuclear bombs....


BattleForums Senior Member
Sep 26, 2002
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Vancouver, B.C.
Originally posted by punk rock yam
i find asian people to be pretty good people

but i dont like it when they act ghetto and pretend they are black saying 'SUP NIGGA!!'



I think, and partly know, that north korea have been push into their position by the west by much the same argument that the cuban missile crisis was americas own fault. That is to say that america, and many other countires, are forcing their will on others and then expect them to go away. The sanctions placed against NK has crippled it. Yes there was a need for action, but to corner a desperate cat into a corner will only result in one action. and dont give me this crap about america bombing the **** out of them, its not the right way to go about things and itwont ever happen because NK has the ability to lanuch missiles at american home soil. The only reason you people have even heard about NK in the media these day is beause they lanuch a missile over japan and landed close to america.

anyway to say one thing, the west has done alot of damage to both its neibours and others far away, and now some of these nations demand accountablilty!

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