Zero.dll v5.0.2 by Permaphrost
Updates available at:
Table of Contents
1. Quick Reference of Commands and Hotkeys
2. Under the Hood
3. Instructions for Zero's Loader
4. Instructions for Zero Memory Patcher
5. Instructions for the Two-State Revolver
6. Instructions and Warning for the Spawn Hack
7. Instructions for Drophack
8. Instructions for Command Center Mutation (CCM) Crash -NEW!
9. Credits and Shoutz
Quick Reference of Commands and Hotkeys
Hold F5 - Drone float exploit. (Continues as long as button is held) -NEW!
F6 - Autocancel all morphs.
F7 - Toggle lag defender.
F8 - Quick drop of lagging player.
F9 - Use revolver depending on revolver mode.
TAB - Enable host hack.
Insert - Toggle maphack between states.
Delete - Toggle multicommand on and off (default is on).
Numpad - Select the player number from the numpad that you wish to drop.
/spam [text] - Spam text you input down the screen.
/color - Toggle color support. 1-8 for colors.
/loop - Use loophack (not recommended).
/revolver - Changes revolver mode (sound/unit action).
/s [number] - Spawns the appropriate unit from a larva for free.
/list - Show a list of players in the game.
/kill - Kill selected units. (Be careful about multicommand!) -NEW!
/crash - Crash players who are attacking your base/using maphack with CCM crash. -NEW!
Under the Hood
- Start a game without any opponents.
- Stay in game even after being defeated.
- Full support for chat colors.
- Show map download status at all times.
- Completely revamped GetKeyState API hook for increased compatibility.
- Two-state revolver engine.
- Three-state maphack.
- Multicommand, revamped to include right clicks, subactions and Zerg morphing
- Remote error handling; the ability to disable error-causing events and correct them
Instructions for Zero's Loader
One of the most significant changes in Zero.dll v5.0.0 is the introduction of a custom loader. Zero relies on this loader for user verification and cannot be used in conjunction with any other DLL attatchment software. If your firewall software warns you of a TCP connection attempt by Zero.exe, please allow the file access to the internet to verify you and to gather information about updates. No personal data will be included in the transaction.
Once the loader starts, click the "Inject" button at the top to attatch Zero.dll to Starcraft.
Instructions for the Zero Memory Patcher
Ever wanted to quickly test a patch for a crash or another exploit? Don't feel like compiling a DLL? You can use the Zero memory patcher once the application attatches itself to Starcraft to inject limitless amounts of data.
Instructions for the Two-State Revolver
The two-state revolver is an excellent resource for testing new unit commands or browsing the long list of Starcraft's internal sounds. You can change the mode for the revolver by typing "/revolver" in the chat prompt.
Once you have chosen a mode, you can press F9 to use the revolver. Command and sound identification numbers are displayed in a DWORD on the screen.
Instructions and Warnings for Spawn Hack
Thought insane dominance with Zerg was over? Wrong. This hack allows you to construct any Zerg unit for free, and providing you with the minerals that you would have otherwise spent. You can cancel these free builds to generate minerals and gas for yourself using the built-in "cancel all" feature.
To spawn into a particular unit, select a larva and type "/s #". The unit's numbers are listed below:
1 - Drone
2 - Zergling
3 - Overlord
4 - Hydralisk
5 - Mutalisk
6 - Scourge
7 - Queen
8 - Ultralisk
9 - Defiler
Users be advised that you must have the appropriate technology tree to build these units, or you will crash yourself attempting to morph them. Also be advised that exceeding your supply limit also generates a crash, so please use extreme caution when spawning large amounts of units. Be sure to allow yourself plenty of room as far as supply when spawning.
Instructions and Warnings for Drophack
Using the drophack is fun and simple. You can type "/list" during a game to obtain a list of players and their corresponding player numbers. Select a number from this list and press it on your Numpad to drop the player.
Dropping players using this method can be highly unpredictable. You may end up dropping more than one user. Only use if completely necessary.
Instructions for Command Center Mutation (CCM) Crash
For those of you who remember, the CCM crash is much like the sprite crash from versions ago. Simply select your Terran command center and type in the appropriate chat command. A progress bar will appear at the bottom of your screen.
You are encouraged not to look directly at your command center after this progress bar completes. You can press F6 (multicancel) at any time to make it safe to view again.
Credits and Shoutz
Original Zero.dll Code
CCM Crash Code
DLL Injection Source Code
User Authentication
3-state Maphack
Spawn Hack
Unit Sounds and Fixed Screen Printing
Beta Testers
Special Thanks to
Doomtree. aka Cassieface
Questions or comments? Feel free to contact me at