Where was I?
Now, in my opinion, some of the best Smash TV maps have been very difficult. And there's a limit to the amount of strategy you can use in the average Smash map.
In this, don't worry about my skills in implementing any of this. I've composed complex trigger systems you wouldn't imagine - I created a psychology test from Starcraft once, and once I made a set of 8 teams of magic units on a Chaos map I called 'Magecraft' - unfinished and never published, right before I lost my comp.
Now I'm BACK. And I want a warmup. A Smash TV map will do nicely.
Here are some questions-
What is your favorite starting unit?
A - Marine.
B - Firebat.
C - Ghost.
D - Zergling.
E - Zealot.
If you like being able to choose, please mention it along with your favorite starting units.
In Smash TV, if you are given each of these units, how do your strategies differ?
Do you like being able to level up units / get elite units? How much stronger do you like your elites?
A. 1 Elite = 20 Norms (In another league)
B. 1 Elite = 10 Norms (The next level of power)
C. 1 Elite = 5-6 Norms (Hero)
D. 1 Elite = 2 Norms (Skilled)
X. I don't like all this leet nonsense.
When you handle elite units, do you like units that -
A. Are Tougher, But Do Similar Damage
B. Hit Harder, But Die Just As Easily
C. Have New Abilities, But Are Just As Frail
D. Are Better All Around
Balance Wise, they
A. Are a Worthy Improvement, But Totally Unnecessary To Win.
+. Make It Easier And In The End, Are Pretty Necessary To Win.
S. Ramp Up So Much, They Are Required Early On To Keep Going
Do your strategies change/fail/arise if you are facing
- Broodlings?
- Zerglings?
- Hydralisks?
- Zealots?
- Air Units?
- Cloaked Units?
- Units with Very Tough Hides, But Minimal Damage?
- Units that Do Tons of Damage, But Gak Very Quickly?
- Units that Are Evenly Balanced?
- Units With Strong Shields?
- An Overflow Of Weak Units?
- One Hulking Disaster of a Challenge?
Do you like the idea of -
Buying Units?
Buying Buildings Onto the Field?
Buying a Home Unit and Making a Base On-Map?
Buying Resources to Spend on this Base?
Collecting Resources straight from the Map?
Buying Flying Units?
Buying Cloak/Burrow Units?
Do you like -
A. A very large, clear, very well explained upgrade trigger system?
B. A more compact but somewhat mysterious trigger system, where things are explained as you progress?
C. A totally unexplained but advertised trigger system to experiment with?
Do you like -
A. The idea of taking out loans?
B. The idea of aggressing against the sponsors?
C. The idea of choosing the stage/difficulty of the next round?
D. Moving from room to room to face enemies?
E. Taking up position on a single tactical map to fight battles?
F. Taking on supposed allies?
G. Getting moved automatically to the buying region/having to travel there?
On a more open-ended note, tell me about your most memorable victories on a Smash TV map...
your most memorable losses...
The time your best friend scrapped you...
The time you scrapped him back...
The time everyone worked together to win the game...
The time everyone worked together except that one lame guy, and how he ruined everything...
The time nobody worked together and the game was a wash...
Ok. These are my requests. Tell stories, bring advice, and I'll start on my warmup.
The Map is coming out. Whether it is a thing of beauty and a joy forever, or one more junk for the pile, that's up to my skills and your feedback.
Thanks. So start to it. If you've read this it's time to put in your two cents.