New to botting a few questions


Jan 16, 2003
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Well the title is a little off, I havn't actually started botting yet.

But I had a few questions that I didn't see answered in the stickied topics.

First just how fast do the bots run?? I mean I looked at the pindle loot that people have gotten and there is only 4 to 5 things a day. Is this running the bot over and over all day taking like 10 mins per run and only posting the good drops .. or do yall actually run the bot that slow?

Second, do yall generally have a seperate account for botting seperate from what you usually play or do yall use your main character? The reason I ask this is I"m curious as to just how often blizzard notices or picks up on a botter and deletes them?

It would be hard for me to equip another account with MF gear lol yall keep saying 500+ mf .. heck my main only had 327.... 357 when I put my silence together tonight.

Third if I used my main right now, would a level 81 zon using a Silenced Crusader bow be ok alone on the pindle? I dont want to leave it running one night and wake up to find I've died a million times and didn't get anything done because I didn't have any gear on hehe :)

Finally I considered writing my own bot since I know how to program myself and want to ensure I dont get a trojan or anything, but I was just wondering how do the current bot programs pick up on what drops and stuff? Are they sniffing the incoming packets or what?


I thought of something else I wanted to know as well. If I did a second account for botting is there any bots I could run on it to cause it to follow my main around and attack stuff that I attack on the main so that I could level it up? Thanks hehe.

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