I've decided to start a new clan, DoA (Defenders of Aiur) It will be for expert StarCraft players, and a few 'newbies' will be alowed to join. The clan willl alow expert players to master their skills against other clan members, and teach the new members to hold their own, so they can too, one day be expert StarCraft players... If you would like to join, you can go to channel: Clan DoA)X , on B.Net, talk to ph0ng, or bowser... If no one is in the channel, e-mail me here or if you would like to e-mail me at a later time,, and we will set up a game to see if you are in... It is open membership right now, so if you're good, you're in... After we fill our orimary roster, (50-100 people) we will close the tryouts, and the clan will only be open to B.Net players that are invited by another player, and approved by a member of the high council. Hope to see you tryout for another B.Net clan!
-=Clan DoA=-
-=Clan DoA=-