New questions that have popped up...


May 20, 2007
Reaction score
Hey everyone, ^^
I have some new questions id like to ask... And hopefully mabe one of you might know the answer or where to find the answer...

1) I was currious... I heard that there was going to be some kind of voice communication type thing in the game... if there was that would be amazing but i cant see how any first person shooter/mmorpg would not use one like vent or TS... but if this one came with one included... that might be nice... going arround being able to talk too people... however i think they wont allow talking in towns because that would be too much audio spam... probly only in the instance setting with your group... and if there are party leaders they probly assign who has the privelidge to talk and who doesnt... atleast thats what id think... Otherwise it seems like a good idea too me... can anyone confirm this? ive heard it in one or two places... just not 100%...

2) There is going to be a auction house... and ive heard the word "economy" many times from mr ropers own mouth... does this imply that there will be some kind of currency? i imagine so... due to the fact that ive also heard that you can "buy" new items from vendors... and repair weapons ect... if thats the case... i wonder exactly how we'd made money? i mean do zombies just drop moolah as you kill them? i know there arent professions or jobs yet on the game... like black smithing... or engineer ect... (blacksmithing probly wouldnt work for this game... mabe weapon smithing...) anyone know anything about this? ^^

I had some more questions but i cant remember... their just small oddball questions i couldnt find the answer too, so i decided to see if anyone else would know ^^ 'hmmm damn i know i had atleast one more... oh well ill come back later.... anyone who has questions themself this might be a good place to post! ^^

Emperor Pan I

Respected Member
Aug 8, 2002
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It's probably too early to tell. They haven't been that revealing about that information. I'm not sure about the whole professions thing.

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